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Pozdravljen/a v Wikipediji, Doremo!
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Za konec še najpomembnejše: želim ti veliko volje, veselja in uspehov pri delu! —

--Eleassar pogovor 09:10, 8. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori


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Thank you, Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 20:12, 26. marec 2015 (CET)Odgovori

Grorud Valley, Norvegia


Hi Doremo, i am Norwegian and I agree with your view that "Grorud Valley" is a fine name for the article. One reason why the article might have an English name that is in use, might be that historically it is one of the most industrialized valleys in Norway. It still has a lot of industry and one could say that the area is a powerhouse. I am guessing that the discussion is mostly about: You having shown that there is an English name for the topic - and that the usage is significant - and that your view is being opposed by leaders (and/or administrators) at Norwegian (bokmål)-wiki who seem to want Norwegian names instead of English names, on En-wiki.
Just the style of debating, should be a wake-up call that the discussion should be closely watched. (In my view, around three of your opponenets in the debate, are getting hot under their collar, more or less - and are showing that in the discussion). Keep up your good work! @Doremo:. 16:55, 9. maj 2019 (CEST)Odgovori

Thank you, I appreciate the comment. 18:16, 9. maj 2019 (CEST)
Please feel free to forward to the "main discussion", that:
Grorud is a neighborhood (within the Grorud District, within the Grorud Valley).
The neighborhood's English name is (obviously) Grorud, and the Valley is Grorud Valley.
Similarly, Dunderland is a location (with a train station). The English name is Dunderland, and the Valley is Dunderland Valley.
Just because my country started finding oil some 50 years ago, it does not mean that Norwegian has become Europe's 2nd most important language etc. Regards 08:37, 11. maj 2019 (CEST)( was my former I.P.)Odgovori
Thank you; I'd be grateful if you added the comments to the discussion yourself. It is more meaningful if it comes from a voice other than mine. Doremo (pogovor) 08:42, 11. maj 2019 (CEST)Odgovori
Please feel free to cut and paste at will, any parts of my arguments (or the entirety). And
feel free to add to add my IP addresses.
One has notified Jimbo regarding the bullying-ness of the main discussion, with you holding the high road while a threesome are getting into behavior that should be apologised for. (Of course that would require some insight into a type of behaviour that they might increasingly have lost contact with.) The ball is in your court!
There is nothing wrong in some Norwegian (me), contacting your user page from a Norwegian IP, to add to the picture in regard to good arguments for the English name etc. Regards 12:06, 11. maj 2019 (CEST)Odgovori