Predloga:Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri

Testcase 1

Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Russian military intervention in Ukraine
Del the 2014 Crimean crisis

Crimea (dark green), Rest of Ukraine (light green) and Russia (light red) in Europe
Datum27 February 2014 (de facto)[1] – present
Crimean peninsula, Kherson Oblast,[2] Ukraine


  • Russia takes effective military control over Crimea, overpowering aerial and naval fleets[3]
  • Covert operations conducted by the Russian special forces (Spetsnaz) and proclaimed "self-defense" forces without identification signs[4]
  • Russia-Ukraine borders are patrolled by the Russian army until 4 March[5]
  • Russian military entered the Kherson Oblast on 8 March 2014[2]
Rusija Russia Ukrajina Ukraine[6]
Poveljniki in vodje
Pres. Vladimir Putin
PM Dmitry Medvedev
Gen. Sergey Shoygu
Gen. Valery Gerasimov
Lt.Gen. Igor Sergun
V.Adm. Aleksandr Vitko
Pres. Oleksandr Turchynov
Adm. Ihor Tenyukh
Lt.Gen. Mykhailo Kutsyn
R.Adm. Serhiy Hayduk
Udeležene enote

Russian Armed Forces:[7][8]
76th Airborne Division
31st Airborne Brigade
18th Mechanized Brigade

Baltic Fleet[9]
Northern Fleet
Black Sea Fleet:

GRU Operators

Armed Forces of Ukraine:
Ukrainian Navy

  • 36th Coastal Defense Brigade[10]
Ukrainian Sea Guard
Ukrainian police
Internal Troops

Crimean Force: 25,000–30,000[11][12]

  • Black Sea Fleet: 11,000 (including Marines)
  • 4 Squadrons of fighter aircraft (18 planes each)
Reinforcements:Between 16,000[10][13][14][15] and 42,000[16] troops
Crimean garrison:
~ 14,500 Troops[17]
10 warships
Žrtve in izgube
1 cruiser hulk scuttled as blockship[18]
1 diving support vessel scuttled[19]
2 injured (1 head concussion, 1 wounded)[6][20][21]
50 border guards captured[22]
1 admiral defected
1 Trans Bat surrendered[23]
Russian military intervention in Ukraine
Del the 2014 Crimean crisis

Crimea (dark green), Rest of Ukraine (light green) and Russia (light red) in Europe
Datum27 February 2014 (de facto)[1] – present
Crimean peninsula, Kherson Oblast,[2] Ukraine


  • Russia takes effective military control over Crimea, overpowering aerial and naval fleets[3]
  • Covert operations conducted by the Russian special forces (Spetsnaz) and proclaimed "self-defense" forces without identification signs[4]
  • Russia-Ukraine borders are patrolled by the Russian army until 4 March[5]
  • Russian military entered the Kherson Oblast on 8 March 2014[2]
Rusija Russia Ukrajina Ukraine[6]
Poveljniki in vodje
Pres. Vladimir Putin
PM Dmitry Medvedev
Gen. Sergey Shoygu
Gen. Valery Gerasimov
Lt.Gen. Igor Sergun
V.Adm. Aleksandr Vitko
Pres. Oleksandr Turchynov
Adm. Ihor Tenyukh
Lt.Gen. Mykhailo Kutsyn
R.Adm. Serhiy Hayduk
Udeležene enote

Russian Armed Forces:[7][8]
76th Airborne Division
31st Airborne Brigade
18th Mechanized Brigade

Baltic Fleet[9]
Northern Fleet
Black Sea Fleet:

GRU Operators

Armed Forces of Ukraine:
Ukrainian Navy

  • 36th Coastal Defense Brigade[10]
Ukrainian Sea Guard
Ukrainian police
Internal Troops

Crimean Force: 25,000–30,000[11][12]

  • Black Sea Fleet: 11,000 (including Marines)
  • 4 Squadrons of fighter aircraft (18 planes each)
Reinforcements:Between 16,000[10][13][14][15] and 42,000[16] troops
Crimean garrison:
~ 14,500 Troops[17]
10 warships
Žrtve in izgube
1 cruiser hulk scuttled as blockship[18]
1 diving support vessel scuttled[19]
2 injured (1 head concussion, 1 wounded)[6][20][21]
50 border guards captured[22]
1 admiral defected
1 Trans Bat surrendered[23]

Testcase 2

Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Del Le conflit pour Neurchi
The alt
L'empereur du Shitpost David Vidal Bankier, récemment couronné accepte la reddition de Nathan Thomas
La Neurchisphère
Status Terminé
Forces Neurchisiennes libres Nathan Thomas
futures Légions Shitposteuses de David Vidal Bankier Nathan Thomas
D'autres Shitposteurs non affiliés Suppôts de l'oligarchie
Krys Durtal
Poveljniki in vodje
Lucas Prieur Nathan Thomas
Quelques dizaines de Shitposteurs 1 avec support indirect de l'oligarchie
Žrtve in izgube
pas de pertes à déplorer La dignité de Nathan Thomas

• Nathan Thomas a été ban à l'issue de ce conflit

• ce conflit a assuré l'émergence de David Vidal Bankier dans le game de Neurchi. Il se couronna empereur du Shitpost peu
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Del Le conflit pour Neurchi
The alt
L'empereur du Shitpost David Vidal Bankier, récemment couronné accepte la reddition de Nathan Thomas
La Neurchisphère
Status Terminé
Forces Neurchisiennes libres Nathan Thomas
futures Légions Shitposteuses de David Vidal Bankier Nathan Thomas
D'autres Shitposteurs non affiliés Suppôts de l'oligarchie
Krys Durtal
Poveljniki in vodje
Lucas Prieur Nathan Thomas
Quelques dizaines de Shitposteurs 1 avec support indirect de l'oligarchie
Žrtve in izgube
pas de pertes à déplorer La dignité de Nathan Thomas

• Nathan Thomas a été ban à l'issue de ce conflit

• ce conflit a assuré l'émergence de David Vidal Bankier dans le game de Neurchi. Il se couronna empereur du Shitpost peu

Testing number of combatants and its effect on tables

Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
One a Two a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
One a Two a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
One a Two a Three a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
One a Two a Three a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
One a Two a Three a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
One a Two a Three a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
One a Two a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
One a Two a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
One a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two Combatant three
One a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
One a Two a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
One a Two a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
One a Two a Three a
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
One a Two a Three a
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
Str 3
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
Str 3
Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
Str 1 Str 2
Str 3
Infopolje Vojaški spopad/testniprimeri
Some place
Combatant one Combatant two
Str 1 Str 2
Str 3

peskovnik, option unused

  • In code: | combatants_header =
USS Liberty incident
Del the Six-Day War

Damaged USS Liberty one day (June 9, 1967) after attack.
DatumJune 8, 1967
Izid See aftermath
 Israel  ZDA (considered mistaken identity by both governments)[24]
Poveljniki in vodje
Captain William L. McGonagle
Udeležene enote
Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft
Israeli Navy torpedo boats
USS Liberty (AGTR-5)
Žrtve in izgube
Liberty severely damaged,
34 crewmen killed,
171 crewmen wounded
Predloga:Campaignbox Six-Day War

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

peskovnik, use option

  • | combatants_header = Battling countries
USS Liberty incident
Del the Six-Day War

Damaged USS Liberty one day (June 9, 1967) after attack.
DatumJune 8, 1967
Izid See aftermath
Battling countries
 Israel  ZDA (considered mistaken identity by both governments)[24]
Poveljniki in vodje
Captain William L. McGonagle
Udeležene enote
Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft
Israeli Navy torpedo boats
USS Liberty (AGTR-5)
Žrtve in izgube
Liberty severely damaged,
34 crewmen killed,
171 crewmen wounded
Predloga:Campaignbox Six-Day War

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



Default usage should be unaffected wrt the header option.

Old versus new
Old (current live) New (/peskovnik)
Battle of Lützen
Del the Thirty Years' War

The Battle of Lützen by Carl Wahlbom shows the death of King Gustavus Adolphus on November 16, 1632.
DatumNovember 6 (O.S.) or November 16,1632 (November 16,1632-November 16 (N.S.), 1632)
Near Lützen, southwest of Leipzig, Germany
51°15′N 12°08′E / 51.250°N 12.133°E / 51.250; 12.133
Izid Swedish victory
Protestant German states
Holy Roman Empire,
Catholic German states
Poveljniki in vodje
Gustavus Adolphus ,
Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar
Albrecht von Wallenstein,
Gottfried zu Pappenheim 
12,800 infantry,
6,200 cavalry,
60 guns
10,000 infantry,
7,000 cavalry,
24 guns
Žrtve in izgube
3,400 dead,
1,600 wounded or missing
3,000–3,500 dead or wounded
Battle of Lützen
Del the Thirty Years' War

The Battle of Lützen by Carl Wahlbom shows the death of King Gustavus Adolphus on November 16, 1632.
DatumNovember 6 (O.S.) or November 16,1632 (November 16,1632-November 16 (N.S.), 1632)
Near Lützen, southwest of Leipzig, Germany
51°15′N 12°08′E / 51.250°N 12.133°E / 51.250; 12.133
Izid Swedish victory
Protestant German states
Holy Roman Empire,
Catholic German states
Poveljniki in vodje
Gustavus Adolphus ,
Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar
Albrecht von Wallenstein,
Gottfried zu Pappenheim 
12,800 infantry,
6,200 cavalry,
60 guns
10,000 infantry,
7,000 cavalry,
24 guns
Žrtve in izgube
3,400 dead,
1,600 wounded or missing
3,000–3,500 dead or wounded


  1. Napaka pri navajanju: Neveljavna oznaka <ref>; sklici, poimenovani guardian, ne vsebujejo besedila (glej stran pomoči).
  2. 2,0 2,1 Russian Military Forces Come Into Chonhar Village, Kherson Region. Ukrainian News, 8 March 2014
  3. »Ukraine Puts Troops on High Alert, Threatening War«, The New York Times, 2. marec 2014
  4. »NATO Secretary General – Doorstep statement to the media«. YouTube. Pridobljeno 3. marca 2014.
  5. Ukraine revolt was anti-constitutional coup, Putin says CBC. Retrieved 4 March 2014
  6. 6,0 6,1 by: Network writers, agencies (27. februar 2014). »Russian troop invasion encircles Crimea's capital as Ukraine PM declares the nation to be on 'brink of disaster'«. Pridobljeno 3. marca 2014.
  7. General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: in Crimea – not just soldiers from units of Black Sea Fleet. Ukrayinska Pravda. 4 March 2014
  8. In Crimea, Russian soldiers are not only part of the Black Sea Fleet, says the General Staff of AF of Ukraine. Interfax-Ukraine. 4 March 2014
  10. 10,0 10,1 Russia Stages a Coup in Crimea. The Daily
  11. »Ukraine looks for 'sign of hope' from Russia over Crimea«. CNN.
  12. »In Crimea are already 30 thousand of Russian military – border guards«. Ukrayinska Pravda. 7. marec 2014.
  13. »An eerie mood on the ground in Crimea«. CNN.
  14. Dearden, Lizzie (1. marec 2014). »Ukraine crisis: Putin asks Russian parliament's permission for military intervention in Crimea«. The Independent.
  15. Russia illegally increased the number of its troops in Ukraine up to 16 thousand – acting Defense Minister. Interfax-Ukraine. 3 March 2014
  16. Anonymous (3. marec 2014). »Insider's view: Moscow is in control of Crimea in Ukraine«. Daily News. New York. Pridobljeno 6. marca 2014.
  17. »Ukraine must focus on where its assets are stationed, experts say«. The Guardian. 3. marec 2014.
  18. Russia sinks ship to block Ukrainian Navy ships,, 3. marec 2014
  19. Russians Scuttle Another Ship to Block Ukrainian Fleet. Ukrayinska Pravda, 7 March 2014
  20. Ukrainian officer was injured in Sevastopol, while protecting warehouses with arms. Ukrayinska Pravda. 3 March 2014
  21. In Chonhar Berkut shot activist with humanitarian help for the Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrayinska Pravda. 10 March 2014
  22. "Putin vs the people of Ukraine". 2 March. In Ukranian. Ukrayinska Pravda. 2 March 2014
  23. In Bakhchisaray an abducted commander surrendered military unit to invaders. Ukrayinska Pravda. 10 March 2014
  24. 24,0 24,1 Gerhard & Millington 1981, str. 57
  25. 25,0 25,1 » Tag«.

Test image with coordinates

{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad
| conflict   = Battle of Vukovar
| image=File:Vukovar-watertower-after-war.jpg
| alt=The [[Vukovar water tower]], 2010. Heavily damaged in the battle
| image_size=300px
| caption    = The [[Vukovar water tower]], 2010. Heavily damaged in the battle, the tower has been preserved as a symbol of the conflict.
| partof     = the [[Croatian War of Independence]]
| place      = [[Vukovar]], [[Croatia]]
| map_type = Croatia
| coordinates = {{koord novi|45.35|N|18.99|E|display=title}}
| date = 25 August – 18 November 1991

Napaka Lua v Modul:Location_map v vrstici 408: Malformed coordinates value.


Primerjava drug ob drugem
{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad}}{{Infopolje Vojaški spopad/peskovnik}}
Prva križarska vojna
Del križarskih vojn

Obleganje Jeruzalema in njegova zasedba leta 1099 je bil uspeh prve križarske vojne
Izid Prepričljiva zmaga kristjanov
Osvojitev Anatolije in Levanta,
ustanovitev Jeruzalemskega kraljestva in drugih križarskih držav

Kristjani: Sveto Rimsko cesarstvo

Francosko kraljestvo

Angleško kraljestvo

Vojvodina Apulija

Bizantinsko cesarstvo

Armensko kraljestvo Kilikija

Muslimani: Veliki seldžuški sultanat

Poveljniki in vodje

Godfrej Bouillonski
Rajmond IV. Touluški
Štefan II. Bloiški
Baldvin Boulognski
Evstahij III. Boulognski
Robert II. Flandrijski
Ademar Monteilski
Hugo I. Vermandoiški
Robert II. Normandijski
Bohemond Tarantski
Tankred Tarantski
Aleksej I. Komnen
Manuel Boutoumites
Guglielmo Embriaco

Konstantin I. Armenski

Kılıç Arslan I.
Fakhr al-Mulk Radvan
Gazi ibn Danišmend
Iftikhar ad-Daula

Al-Afdal Šahanšah

~ 35.000 mož

  • 30.000 pešakov
  • 5.000 konjenikov


~ 2.000 mož[1]
Ni znano
Žrtve in izgube
Ni znano Ni znano
Prva križarska vojna
Del križarskih vojn

Obleganje Jeruzalema in njegova zasedba leta 1099 je bil uspeh prve križarske vojne
Izid Prepričljiva zmaga kristjanov
Osvojitev Anatolije in Levanta,
ustanovitev Jeruzalemskega kraljestva in drugih križarskih držav

Kristjani: Sveto Rimsko cesarstvo

Francosko kraljestvo

Angleško kraljestvo

Vojvodina Apulija

Bizantinsko cesarstvo

Armensko kraljestvo Kilikija

Muslimani: Veliki seldžuški sultanat

Poveljniki in vodje

Godfrej Bouillonski
Rajmond IV. Touluški
Štefan II. Bloiški
Baldvin Boulognski
Evstahij III. Boulognski
Robert II. Flandrijski
Ademar Monteilski
Hugo I. Vermandoiški
Robert II. Normandijski
Bohemond Tarantski
Tankred Tarantski
Aleksej I. Komnen
Manuel Boutoumites
Guglielmo Embriaco

Konstantin I. Armenski

Kılıç Arslan I.
Fakhr al-Mulk Radvan
Gazi ibn Danišmend
Iftikhar ad-Daula

Al-Afdal Šahanšah

~ 35.000 mož

  • 30.000 pešakov
  • 5.000 konjenikov


~ 2.000 mož[1]
Ni znano
Žrtve in izgube
Ni znano Ni znano
  1. Nicolle, str. 21 in 32.