Pogovor:Kragulj (rod)

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The Slovenian name "jastreb" is for "vulture"; but, "hawk" (= Accipiter) in other Slavic languages: Palmov jastreb (Gypohierax angolensis), Brkasti ser ali Bradati jastreb (Gypaetus barbatus), Egiptovski jastreb (Neophron percnopterus), Plešec ali Beloglavi jastreb (Gyps fulvus), Afriški jastreb (Gyps africanus), Bengalski jastreb (Gyps bengalensis), Tenkokljuni jastreb (Gyps tenuirostris), Snežni jastreb (Gyps himalayensis), Kapski jastreb (Gyps coprotheres), Ruppellov jastreb (Gyps rueppellii), Rjavi jastreb (Aegypius monachus), Golouhi jastreb (Torgos tracheliotus), Volnoglavi jastreb (Trigonoceps occipitalis), Rdečeglavi jastreb (Sarcogyps calvus); Jastrebi novega sveta ali Ameriški jastrebi (Cathartidae), Puranji jastreb (Cathartes aura), Vranji jastreb (Coragyps atratus), Kraljevi ali Kraljevski jastreb (Sarcoramphus papa). --Kmoksy (pogovor) 21:22, 6. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori

Actually, this issue is more complicated. I've been meaning to fix it for a while now, but as far as I understand, bird classification in this part of the system is not yet generally accepted, so I'm still a bit unsure. In short, "jastreb" can refer to members of several genera within Accipitridae. A correct translation for the word "hawk" (=Accipiter) is "kragulj", as is for the species Accipiter gentilis - see Jančar, Tomaž s sod. (1999). »Imenik ptic zahodne Palearktike«. Acrocephalus. Zv. 20, št. 94–96. (Slovene nomenclature of birds of the Western Palearctic). I forgot to check it before, so I'll move this page to Kragulj (rod) now. — Yerpo Ha? 22:25, 6. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori
Najbrž je potem treba popraviti tudi prevod imena družine Accipitridae? (glej npr. [1]) --Eleassar pogovor 23:35, 6. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori
The Slovenian name for Accipitridae is "Kragulji" ali "Orli"; but, the name "Jastrebi" is Aegypiinae (Old World vultures) subfamily and Cathartidae (New World vultures) family --Kmoksy (pogovor) 23:46, 6. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori
The most direct translation for Slovene word "orel" is en:Eagle, but right now the article with this title describes en:Accipitriformes. However, the word "orli" (plural of "orel") is reserved for en:Accipitridae according to the nomenclature. For en:Falconiformes, the proposed translation is "ujede" which is correctly reflected in articles. I'm afraid that the local, traditional nomenclature doesn't keep up with taxonomic changes. I'm thinking of naming Accipitridae "orli", while creating a separate article "orel" (linked to en:Eagle) where it would be explained that the word in the traditional sense refers to several unrelated taxa. I'm not sure about exotic taxa, though.
Eleassar, jaz bi se raje pri tej zmešnjavi zanašal na specializirane vire. — Yerpo Ha? 08:48, 7. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori
Ni problema. Zanimalo me je samo, če je 'jastrebi', tako kot zdaj piše, pravi prevod za Accipitridae. --Eleassar pogovor 11:05, 7. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori
Ne, "uradno" so Accipitridae orli. Saj pravim, bom en dan poskusil uredit to zmešnjavo, prej moram samo povprašat par ljudi kakšno je stanje s klasifikacijo. — Yerpo Ha? 11:11, 7. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori



Sedaj je nastal problem, ker interwikiji kažejo na stran, ki je bila izbrisana. Irena Pprispevki 22:12, 6. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori

Sem popravil zdaj na angleški Wiki, kar bi morali boti hitro zaznati. — Yerpo Ha? 22:25, 6. maj 2012 (CEST)Odgovori
Vrnitev na stran »Kragulj (rod)«.