Lockheed Constellation
Lockheed Constellation (z vzdevkom "Connie") je štirimotorno propelersko letalo z batnimi motorji. Zasnovalo in izdelovalo ga je podjetje Lockheed med letoma 1943 in 1958 v tovarni v Kaliforniji, skupno so izdelali 856 letal. Letalo ima prepoznaven trojni rep in velja za eno izmed najlepših letal kdajkoli izdelanih.[navedi vir] Poganjajo ga štirje zvezdasti batni motorji Wright R-3350. Uporabljale so ga večinoma letaske družbe, pa tudi ameriška vojska (na primer v operaciji berlinski zračni most) in tudi ameriški predsednik Dwight D. Eisenhower kot Air Force One.

Lockheed je delal že od leta 1937 na L-044 Excalibur, štirimotornem letalu s tlačno kabino. Leta 1939 pa je milijarder Howard Hughes za svojo letalsko družbo Trans World Airlines (TWA) naročil 40-sedežno letalo z medcelinskim dosegom (5.600 km), kar je precej presegalo zmogljivosti Excaliburja.
Za Constellation so uporabili trojni rep, tako je letalo lahko uporabljajo že obstoječe hangarje. Imelo je sistem proti zaledenitvi kril in sprednjega roba repnih površin in propelerjev ter hidravlično vodene krmilne površine. Največja hitrost je bila okrog 600 km/h.
Tehnične specifikacije
urediL-1049G Super Constellation
- Posadka: 5
- Kapaciteta potnikov: tipično 62–95 potnikov (109 največ)
- Dolžina: 116 ft 2 in (35,42 m)
- Razpon kril: 126 ft 2 in (38,47 m)
- Višina: 24 ft 9 in (7,54 m)
- Površina kril: 1 654 sq ft (153,7 m²)
- Prazna teža: 79 700 lb (36.150 kg)
- Uporabni tovor: 65 300 lb (29.620 kg)
- Maks. vzletna teža: 137 500 lb (62.370 kg)
- Motorji: 4 × Wright R-3350-DA3 turbo 18-valjni zvedasti motor s turbopolnilnikom, 3.250 hp (2.424 kW) vsak
- Maks. hitrost: 377 mph (327 kn, 607 km/h)
- Potovalna hitrost: 340 mph (295 kn, 547 km/h) na 22,600 ft (6.890 m)
- Hitrost izgube vzgona: 100 mph (87 kn, 160 km/h)
- Dolet: 5 400 mi (4 700 nmi, 8.700 km)
- Največja višina leta: 24 000 ft (7.620 m)
- Hitrost vzpenjanja: 1 620 ft/min (8,23 m/s)
- Obremenitev kril: 87.7 lb/sq ft (428 kg/m²)
- Razmerje moč/masa: 0.094 hp/lb (155 W/kg)
Sklici in reference
uredi- Birtles, Phillip. Lockheed L-1011 TriStar (Airliner Color History). St. Paul: Minnesota: Motorbooks International, 1998. ISBN 978-0-7603-0582-9.
- Boyne, Walter J. Beyond the Horizons: The Lockheed Story. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998. ISBN 0-312-24438-X.
- Cacutt, Len, ur. (1989). Lockheed Constellation. Great Aircraft of the World. London: Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 1-85435-250-4.
- Germain, Scott E. Lockheed Constellation and Super Constellation. North Branch, Minnesota: Specialty Press, 1998. ISBN 1-58007-000-0.
- Marson, Peter J. The Lockheed Constellation Series. Tonbridge, Kent, UK: Air-Britain (Historians), 1982. ISBN 0-85130-100-2.
- Pace, Steve. X-Planes: Pushing the Envelope of Flight. Osceola, Wisconsin: Zenith Imprint, 2003. ISBN 978-0-7603-1584-2.
- Sampson, Anthony. Empires of the Sky: The Politics, Contest and Cartels of World Airlines. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985. ISBN 0-340-37668-6.
- Smith, M.J. Jr. Passenger Airliners of the United States, 1926–1991. Missoula, Montana: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1986. ISBN 0-933126-72-7.
- Stringfellow, Curtis K. and Peter M. Bowers. Lockheed Constellation: A Pictorial History. St. Paul, Minnesota: Motorbooks, 1992. ISBN 0-87938-379-8.
- Taylor, Michael J.H., ed. "Lockheed Constellation and Super Constellation". Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation. New York: Crescent, 1993. ISBN 0-517-10316-8.
- United States Air Force Museum Guidebook. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Air Force Museum Foundation, 1975.
- Yenne, Bill (1987). Lockheed. Greenwich, Connecticut: Bison Books. ISBN 0-517-60471-X.
Zunanje povezave
uredi- Lockheed Martin official site
- Popular Science, June 1943, The Flying Shark one of the first detailed articles on the C-69 Constellation
- Connie Survivors
- Goleta Air and Space Museum: Lockheed Constellation Survivors
- Warbird Alley: Connie page
- Gallery of civilian and military Lockheed Constellations worldwide and links to other galleries.
- A photograph and description of VH-EAB and two colored promotional posters for Qantas Empire Airways's Constellation services, Qantas Empire Airways Lockheed L749 Constellation VH-EAB.
- Restoration of Lockheed L-1649A Super Star to airworthy condition by Lufthansa Technik
- One of four similar aerial photographs of VH-EAB by Frank Hurley, with brief annotation
- MATS Connie; aircraft specifications
- Super Constellation Flyers Association
- Many detailed close-up photographs of the Constellation from the Airline History Museum Arhivirano 2008-01-09 na Wayback Machine.
- Travelling by the Constellation. Air France clips and pictures from the 1950s (in French) Arhivirano 2007-08-27 na Wayback Machine.
- Maintenance parts catalog Constellation model L-049 reissue:1947
- Super Connies in São Tomé airport, survivors of Biafra Airlift