Ameriška vojna za neodvisnost
Ameriška osamosvojitvena vojna (tudi ameriška revolucijska vojna) je oznaka za vojaški del ameriške revolucije.
Ameriška vojna za neodvisnost | |||||
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Bojevniki na ameriški strani Drugi borci |
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Primarno je bil to oboroženi konflikt med Združenim kraljestvom in ZDA zaradi nezadovoljstva s kolonialno politiko, ki je vplivala na gospodarstvo ZDA. Britanci so namreč Američane obremenili z visokimi davki in omejevanjem trgovanja. Povod vojne za neodvisnost je bila Bostonska čajanka.[navedi vir] Pozneje so v vojno stopile tudi Francija, Španija in Nizozemska, ki so podpirale ZDA. Trajala je od leta 1775- 1783.
Medtem ko je imelo Združeno kraljestvo premoč na morju, ni imelo dosti vpliva na kopnem. Toda s prihodom Francoske vojne mornarice je Kraljeva vojna mornarica izgubila tudi ta položaj.
Vojna se je končala leta 1783 s podpisom pariškega sporazuma.
uredi- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Bell 2015, Essay
- ↑ Atwood 2000, pp. 1, 23
- ↑ Lowell 1884, pp. 14–15
- ↑ Atwood 2002, pp. 1, 23
- ↑ Burrows 2008, "Patriots or Terrorists"
- ↑ Peckham (ed.) 1974
- ↑ 7,0 7,1 7,2 Clodfelter 2017, pp. 133–134
- ↑ Rignault 2004, pp. 20, 53
- ↑ Clodfelter 2017, pp. 75, 135
- ↑ Otfinoski 2008, p. 16
- ↑ Archuleta 2006, p. 69
- ↑ Clodfelter 2017, p 134
- ↑ Duncan, L. 1931, p. 371
- ↑ Burrows 2008, "Forgotten Patriots"
uredi- ↑ (until 1779)
- ↑ The British hired over 30,000 professional soldiers from various German states who served in North America from 1775 to 1782.[3] Commentators and historians often refer to them as mercenaries or auxiliaries, terms that are sometimes used interchangeably.[4]
- ↑ (od1779)
- ↑ Beyond the 2112 deaths recorded by the French Government fighting for American Independence, additional men died fighting Britain in a war waged by France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic from 1778 to 1784, "overseas" from the American Revolution as posited by a British scholar in his "War of the American Revolution".[9]
- ↑ Clodfelter reports that the total deaths among the British and their allies numbered 15,000 killed in battle or died of wounds. These included estimates of 3000 Germans, 3000 Loyalists and Canadians, 3000 lost at sea, and 500 American Indians killed in battle or died of wounds.[7]