Smiley Smile je dvanajsti album ameriške glasbene skupine The Beach Boys. Izšel je leta 1967 pri založbi Capitol Records.

Seznam skladb

  1. "Heroes and Villains" - 3:37
  2. "Vegetables" - 2:07
  3. "Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (W. Woodpecker Symphony)" - 2:15
  4. "She's Goin' Bald" - 2:15
  5. "Little Pad" - 2:30
  6. "Good Vibrations" - 3:37
  7. "With Me Tonight" - 2:17
  8. "Wind Chimes" - 2:36
  9. "Gettin' Hungry" - 2:27
  10. "Wonderful" - 2:21
  11. "Whistle In" - 1:04