Predloga:Periodni sistem/black-and-white/18-column

Periodni sistem elementov
1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Vodik1H1,008 He­lij2He4,0026
Li­tij3Li6,94 Beri­lij4Be9,0122 Bor5B10,81 Ogljik6C12,011 Du­šik7N14,007 Ki­sik8O15,999 Fluor9F18,998 Neon10Ne20,180
Na­trij11Na22,990 Magne­zij12Mg24,305 Alumi­nij13Al26,982 Sili­cij14Si28,085 Fos­for15P30,974 Žveplo16S32,06 Klor17Cl35,45 Argon18Ar39,95
Kalij19K39,098 Kal­cij20Ca40,078 Skan­dij21Sc44,956 Titan22Ti47,867 Vana­dij23V50,942 Krom24Cr51,996 Man­gan25Mn54,938 Žele­zo26Fe55,845 Kobalt27Co58,933 Ni­kelj28Ni58,693 Baker29Cu63,546 Cink30Zn65,38 Galij31Ga69,723 Germa­nij32Ge72,630 Arzen33As74,922 Selen34Se78,971 Brom35Br79,904 Krip­ton36Kr83,798
Rubid­ij37Rb85,468 Stron­cij38Sr87,62 Itrij39Y88,906 Cirko­nij40Zr91,224 Nio­bij41Nb92,906 Molib­den42Mo95,95 Teh­nicij43Tc​[98] Rute­nij44Ru101,07 Ro­dij45Rh102,91 Palad­ij46Pd106,42 Srebro47Ag107,87 Kad­mij48Cd112,41 Indij49In114,82 Kosi­ter50Sn118,71 Anti­mon51Sb121,76 Telur52Te127,60 Jod53I126,90 Kse­non54Xe131,29
Ce­zij55Cs132,91 Ba­rij56Ba137,33 1 asterisk Lute­cij71Lu174,97 Haf­nij72Hf178,49 Tant­al73Ta180,95 Volf­ram74W183,84 Re­nij75Re186,21 Osmij76Os190,23 Iridij77Ir192,22 Plat­ina78Pt195,08 Zlato79Au196,97 Živo­srebro80Hg200,59 Talij81Tl204,38 Svinec82Pb207,2 Biz­mut83Bi208,98 Polo­nij84Po​[209] Astat85At​[210] Radon86Rn​[222]
Fran­cij87Fr​[223] Ra­dij88Ra​[226] 1 asterisk Lavren­cij103Lr​[266] Rader­fordij104Rf​[267] Dub­nij105Db​[268] Si­borgij106Sg​[269] Bor­ij107Bh​[270] Ha­sij108Hs​[270] Majt­nerij109Mt​[278] Darm­štatij110Ds​[281] Rent­genij111Rg​[282] Koper­nicij112Cn​[285] Nihon­ij113Nh​[286] Flerov­ij114Fl​[289] Moskov­ij115Mc​[290] Liver­morij116Lv​[293] Tenes117Ts​[294] Oga­neson118Og​[294]
1 asterisk Lan­tan57La138,91 Cerij58Ce140,12 Praze­odim59Pr140,91 Neo­dim60Nd144,24 Prome­tij61Pm​[145] Sama­rij62Sm150,36 Evro­pij63Eu151,96 Gadoli­nij64Gd157,25 Ter­bij65Tb158,93 Dispro­zij66Dy162,50 Hol­mij67Ho164,93 Erbij68Er167,26 Tulij69Tm168,93 Iter­bij70Yb173,05  
1 asterisk Aktin­ij89Ac​[227] Tor­ij90Th232,04 Protak­tinij91Pa231,04 Uran92U238,03 Neptu­nij93Np​[237] Pluto­nij94Pu​[244] Ameri­cij95Am​[243] Kirij96Cm​[247] Berkel­ij97Bk​[247] Kalifor­nij98Cf​[251] Ainštaj­nij99Es​[252] Fer­mij100Fm​[257] Mende­levij101Md​[258] Nobel­ij102No​[259]
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Black-and-white presentations of the Periodic table.

No wikilinks.

As image



  • Not in mainspace currently
... cell-named
See {{PT}}
cell property
{{Electron affinities}}
cell image
{{Group x}}
{{isotopes (navbox)}}
živo srebro
  • 200,59
  • 200,592(3)
Slika: živo srebro
Used in wikitable pattern: {| |- | {{element cell-abc|80|Hg}} |}
All cell templates produce a table cell output in pattern:
style="background:#12abdf;" | [[Gold]]
Note that there is the pipe symbol (|) in the middle (added by the template), separating cell style and cell content.
{{element cell
| link=
| border=
| bg=
| style=
| title=
| legend=
{{element cell
| 1= Atomic number
| 2= Element name (and default page link; see also 'link=' parameter)
| 3= Symbol
| 4= (not used)
| 5= State of matter (sets font color)
| 6= Metal–nonmetal category name (sets background color, see also bg=)
| 7= Occurrence (sets cell border style)
| link= Wikipedia page (links 2 different, like [[živo srebro]])
| border= Sets border style (overrides 7. Like: border=3px solid red)
| bg= Background color (overrides 6; can look like bg=#aabbcc)
| style= Adds or overrides style settings (do not add the "" quotes)
| title= Mousehover text (overrides title composed from 2, 3, ...)
| legend= Legend text in title (overrides text part that was composed from 6; 5; 7)
Legend for large cells {{Large cell legend}}
element name
vrstno število
kemijski simbol

Asterisks {{Asterisks}}
1 asterisk 2 asterisks 1 asterisk 3 asterisks
Not mainspace


  • IUPAC [1] "periodic table of elements" and "periodic table of the elements"