Modul:Portal: Razlika med redakcijama

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m Redakcija 5109659 uporabnika Pinky sl (pogovor) razveljavljena
Oznaka: razveljavitev
mBrez povzetka urejanja
Vrstica 95:
-- If no portals have been specified, display an error and add the page to a tracking category.
if not portals[1] then
root:wikitext('<strong class="error">No portals specified: please specify at least one portal</strong>[[Category:Portal templates without a parameter]]')
return tostring(root)
Vrstica 110:
if (args.redlinks == 'yes') or (args.redlinks == 'y') or (args.redlinks == 'true') or (args.redlinks == 'include') then
-- if redlinks as been set to yes (or similar), add the cleanup category and then break the loop before the portal is removed from the list
-- root:wikitext('[[Category:Portal templates with redlinked portals]]')
Vrstica 121:
if not (portallen == #portals) then
if #portals == 0 then
return '[[Category:Portal templates with all redlinked portals]]'
--root:wikitext('[[Category:Portal templates with redlinked portals]]')