ChemSpider: Razlika med redakcijama

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'''ChemSpider''' je [[podatkovna zbirka]] [[Kemikalija|kemikalij]], ki je v lasti Kraljeve kemijske družbe ([[Angleščina|angleško]] Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC).<ref>R. Van Noorden (2012). ''Chemistry's web of data expands''. Nature '''483''' (7391): 524. doi: 10.1038/483524a.PMID 22460877.</ref><ref>Chemical & Engineering News '''85''' (24). 11. junij 2007.</ref><ref>A.J. (2008). ''ChemSpider and Its Expanding Web: Building a Structure-Centric Community for Chemists''. Chemistry International '''30''' (1).</ref><ref>A.J. Williams (2008). ''Public chemical compound databases''. Current opinion in drug discovery & development '''11''' (3): 393–404. PMID 18428094.</ref><ref>G. Brumfiel (2008). ''Chemists spin a web of data''. Nature '''453''' (7192): 139. doi: 10.1038/453139a. PMID 18464701.</ref><ref>E. Curry, A. Freitas, S. O’Riáin (2010). ''The Role of Community-Driven Data Curation for Enterprises''. Linking Enterprise Data. D. Wood, Ed. Boston, MA: Springer US, str. 25–47.</ref><ref>A.J. Williams (2011). ''Chemspider: A Platform for Crowdsourced Collaboration to Curate Data Derived from Public Compound''.</ref><ref>Databases. Collaborative Computational Technologies for Biomedical Research. str. 363. doi: 10.1002/9781118026038.ch22. ISBN 9781118026038.</ref><ref>H.E. Pence, A. Williams (2010). ''ChemSpider: An Online Chemical Information Resource''. Journal of Chemical Education '''87''' (11): 1123. doi: 10.1021/ed100697w.</ref>
Vsebina zbirkeposameznih zapisov je prosto na voljo po določilih licence [[Creative Commons|Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji]].,<ref>[ ''ChemSpider Adopts Creative Commons Licenses''].</ref> uporaba zbirke kot celote pa je omejena.
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