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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Vrstica 47:
Primož, na strani [[Pogovor:Grenada]] bi, prosim, potrebovali tvojo modrost. --[[Uporabnik:Romanm|romanm]] 23:28, 16 mar 2004 (CET)
On my own Uporabniški pogovor-page, I had proposed to make [[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|XJam]], [[Uporabnik:romanm|romanm]] sysops for the Slovenian Wikipedia. XJam has given a positive reaction; I would like to get a reaction from Romanm and you as well. That is, would you be willing to accept this position & would you be supporting the other two? - [[Uporabnik:Andre Engels|Andre Engels]] 02:13, 20 apr 2004 (CEST)