Pogovor:Robert Blinc

Vrnitev v skladu s tem. LP, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Talk) 09:45, 3 julij 2006 (CEST)

Tam je govora o potrebnosti/smiselnosti seznamov, ne pa o tem, da je treba vse našteti v članku! --Andrejj 10:13, 3 julij 2006 (CEST)

Kot kaže nisi videl tega: If the user is browsing without a specific research goal in mind, they would likely use the See also lists. If the user has a specific research goal in mind, and there is only one or two words that are used to describe the research topic, and they know exactly how to spell the word, they would probably use the search engine box. If the user has some general idea of what they are looking for but does not know the specific terminology, they would tend to use the lists of related topics (also called list of links to related articles). Rajši dopolnjuj svoje škrbine, kot odstranjuj vsebine iz drugi daljših člankov. In MMG pokaži mi pravilo/smernico, po katerem se ti ravnaš, ki pravi, da seznami ne sodijo v članek. LP, --Klemen Kocjančič (Pogovor - Talk) 10:15, 3 julij 2006 (CEST)

Ja, natančno to piše, ... lists of related topics ... in ne ... lists of related lists .... --Andrejj 10:33, 3 julij 2006 (CEST)

n00b od Klemna Kocjančića!! -- 11:31, 3 julij 2006 (CEST)

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