Pogovor:Ante Pavelić

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Bivši PIČ Članek je bivši predlog za izbrani članek. Zakaj predlog ni uspel, si lahko pogledate na njegovi podstrani.

Kako bomo pa rešili razločitev z drugim hrvaškim Antejem Pavelićem? Bo drugi Ante Pavelić (zobozdravnik in politik)? Ali pa naredimo razločitveno stran in ustaša prestavimo na Ante Pavelić (hrvaški diktator)? Samo predlogi ... --IP 213 15:18, 27 junij 2006 (CEST)

PMM jih bo najmanj 90% pod Antejem Pavelićem iskalo ustaša, zato sem za prvo možnost, s tem, da se omeni, da tisto ni bil edini AP. --Heretik 16:11, 27 junij 2006 (CEST)
Zelo lepo napisana biografija - sam bi Pavelić bil zelo zadovoljen z vsebino. Se vprašam - ali so avtorji dobili kaj tringelta za to kaj so napisali od neo-ustašev?-- 03:34, 16 avgust 2006 (CEST)

My two cents


Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor in Chief, Vol. 3, Macmillan, New York - London, 1990 Page 1122 Entry Ante Pavelic

Pavelic, Ante Croatian fascist leader. By profession a lawyer. Pavelic entered politics as a member of the Croatian Justice Party (Stranka Prava), and in 1929 was elected one of the representatives of the Zagreb City Council and the Belgrade Parliament. When King Alexander established a dictatorial regime in Yugoslavia in 1929, Pavelic formed the terrorist organization, the USTASA, which advocated Croatia's secession from Yugoslavia. From his exile in Italy, Pavelic directed the terrorist acts committed by his followers in Croatia. He introduced fascist concepts into his movement, and when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, Pavelic added rabid antisemitism to the Ustasa's ideology.

After the conquest of Yugoslavia in 1941, the Germans and Italians appointed Pavelic head of the puppet government of "independent State of Croatia", with the title of poglavnik (leader). He introduced a reign of terror, and in the four year that it lasted, hundreds of thousands of Serbs and tens of thousands of Jews were killed.

After Germany's defeat Pavelic fled to Argentina, where he established an Ustasa exile organization. In 1957 he was injured in an assassination attempt in Madrid and two years later he died of his wounds.

Krizman, B. Pavelic i Nijemci, Zagreb 1980, Krizman, B. Pavelic i Ustase, Zagreb 1978 Krizman, B. Pavelic izmedju Hitlera i Musolinija 1980

Menachem Shelah



Geslo ni optimalno, vendar si pmm ne zasluži takšne nalepke, vsaj dokler ne bo kdo navedel konkretnih večjih pomanjkljivosti. Tudi vsebina, ki je v enciklopediji holokavsta (gl. zgoraj) je v geslu. --IP 213 11:51, 1. september 2010 (CEST)Odgovori

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