Twist and Shout (album)

Twist and Shout je drugi studijski album skupine The Beatles, ki je bil izdan v Kanadi, v mono formatu pri založbi Capitol Canada. Album vsebuje večino skladb iz albuma Please Please Me.

Twist and Shout
Studijski album:
Izdan3. februar 1964, EMI Studios, London
Slogrock and roll, rock
ZaložbaCapitol Canada
ProducentGeorge Martin
Kronologija: The Beatles
Meet The Beatles!
Twist and Shout The Beatles' Second Album

Seznam skladb


Vse pesmi je napisal in uglasbil dvojec Lennon–McCartney, razen kjer ni posebej napisano.

Stran 1
1.„Anna (Go to Him)‟Arthur Alexander3:00
2.„Chains‟Gerry Goffin, Carole King2:25
3.„Boys‟Luther Dixon, Wes Farrell2:28
4.„Ask Me Why‟ 2:28
5.„Please Please Me‟ 2:00
6.„Love Me Do‟ 2:22
7.„From Me to You‟ 1:56
Stran 2
1.„P.S. I Love You‟ 2:06
2.„Baby It's You‟Burt Bacharach, Hal David, Barney Williams2:40
3.„Do You Want to Know a Secret‟ 1:59
4.„A Taste of Honey‟Ric Marlow, Bobby Scott2:05
5.„There's a Place‟ 1:53
6.„Twist and Shout‟Phil Medley, Bert Russell2:33
7.„She Loves You‟ 2:19


The Beatles
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