ThrustSSC, Thrust SSC ali Thrust supersonic car je britanski avtomobil z reaktivnim pogonom. Razvili so ga Richard Noble, Glynne Bowsher, Ron Ayers in Jeremy Bliss.[1]

ThrustSSC v muzeju Coventry Transport Museum
Poglej od zadaj, vidijo se kolesa iz aluminijeve zlitine

Thrust SSC trenutno drži kopenski hitrostni rekord. 15. oktobra 1997 je dosegel 1.228 km/h (763 mph) in postal prvi avtomobil, ki je presegel hitrost zvoka. Za krmilom je bil Royal Air Force lovski pilot Andy Green. Rekord so postavili v Black Rock Desert v Nevadi, ZDA.

Avtomobil so poganjala dva turboventilatorska motorja Rolls-Royce Spey, ki sta imela možnost dodatnega zgorevanja za povečanje potiska.

Glej tudi


Sklici in reference

  1. ThrustSSC team

Zunanje povezave

  • Official Thrust SSC website (no longer being updated)
  • Coventry Transport Museum where Thrust SSC is on display
  • Photo-Diary by John Coppinger – including the aerial photo by Richard Meredith-Hardy showing the shock wave as Thrust SSC narrowly exceeds the speed of sound
  • Thrust SSC the car and the run
  • Thrust SSC Photos Pictures from Blackrock, Nevada – 15 October 1997
  • Speed Record Club – The Speed Record Club seeks to promote an informed and educated enthusiast identity, reporting accurately and impartially to the best of its ability on record-breaking engineering, events, attempts and history.