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Pasme psov so skupine tesno sorodnih in vidno podobnih vrst domačih psov, ki so vse podvrste Canis lupus familiaris. Ti psi imajo značilne lastnosti, ki so jih ljudje izbirali in vzdrževali.[1]

Pasem psov je zelo veliko. Razdelimo jih na več skupin: [navedi vir]

Galgo, Španski hrt


  1. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. The Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff PA. Springfield, MA U.S.A.: G&C Merriam Company. str. 274. A breed is a group of domestic animals related through common ancestors and visibly similar in most characteristics, having been differentiated from others by human influence; a distinctive group of domesticated animals differentiated from the wild type under the influence of man, the sum of the progeny of a known and designated foundation stock without admixture of other blood.{{navedi knjigo}}: Vzdrževanje CS1: drugo (povezava)