Subscripts text, i.e.

{{sub|Text to be subscripted}} produces: Text to be subscripted

This template may be listed at Wikipedia:Subst as a good candidate for substituting (i.e. {{subst:sub}}). On a page that uses the template many times, however, this is likely to clutter and lengthen the page significantly.

Text can also be subscripted simply by using the <sub> and </sub> tags, so that:

<sub>Text to be subscripted</sub> also produces: Text to be subscripted

Template Data

To je dokumentacija TemplateData za predlogo, ki jo uporabljajo Vizualni urejevalnik in druga orodja; glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.

TemplateData za Sub

Ni opisa.

Parametri predloge[Urejanje podatkov predloge]


brez opisa


See also


Predloga:Sup and sub-related templates