Purpose uredi

Template for web links to Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) articles, as used on German Wikipedia for over 6000 articles of the more than 21,000 NDB biographies that have been published, with 3,5200 further articles expected to be added in four further volumes until 2017.

Usage uredi

*{{NDB|Vol|Start page|End page|Biographed person|Author of biography|GND number}}

Example uredi

{{NDB|13|656|657|Lasker, Eduard|Klaus Erich Pollmann|118569848}}


Klaus Erich Pollmann (1982) (v nemščini). "Lasker, Eduard ". V Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). 13. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. str. 656 et seq.. (polno besedilo na spletu)

Usage notes uredi

The template does not include an item bullet and so is easy to use in a footnote citation. In a list, the template should be preceded by an asterisk, as specified in the usage section above.

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