Predloga:Infopolje Nogometni sodnik

Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]

Predloga {{Infopolje Nogometni sodnik}} je namenjena kot infopolje za članke o nogometnih sodnikih (oz. drugih nogometnih predstavnikov).



Vsi parametri:

Osebni podatki
Polno ime fullname
Smrt death_date
Ostale zaposlitve otheroccupation
Domača raven
Leta Tekmovanje Vloga
years1 league1 role1
years2 league2 role2
years3 league3 role3
years4 league4 role4
years5 league5 role5
years6 league6 role6
years7 league7 role7
years8 league8 role8
years9 league9 role9
years10 league10 role10
Mednarodna raven
Leta Tekmovanje Vloga
internationalyears1 confederation1 internationalrole1
internationalyears2 confederation2 internationalrole2
internationalyears3 confederation3 internationalrole3
internationalyears4 confederation4 internationalrole4
internationalyears5 confederation5 internationalrole5
internationalyears6 confederation6 internationalrole6
internationalyears7 confederation7 internationalrole7
internationalyears8 confederation8 internationalrole8
internationalyears9 confederation9 internationalrole9
internationalyears10 confederation10 internationalrole10
{{Infopolje Nogometni sodnik
| name                 = 
| image                = <!-- Wikidata -->
| image_size           = 
| alt                  = 
| caption              = <!-- Wikidata -->
| fullname             = 
| birth_date           = <!-- Wikidata -->
| birth_place          = <!-- Wikidata -->
| death_date           = <!-- Wikidata -->
| death_place          = <!-- Wikidata -->
| otheroccupation      = 
| years1               = 
| league1              = 
| role1                = 
| years2               = 
| league2              = 
| role2                = 
| years3               = 
| league3              = 
| role3                = 
| years4               = 
| league4              = 
| role4                = 
| years5               = 
| league5              = 
| role5                = 
| years6               = 
| league6              = 
| role6                = 
| years7               = 
| league7              = 
| role7                = 
| years8               = 
| league8              = 
| role8                = 
| years9               = 
| league9              = 
| role9                = 
| years10              = 
| league10             = 
| role10               = 
| internationalyears1  = 
| confederation1       = 
| internationalrole1   = 
| internationalyears2  = 
| confederation2       = 
| internationalrole2   = 
| internationalyears3  = 
| confederation3       = 
| internationalrole3   = 
| internationalyears4  = 
| confederation4       = 
| internationalrole4   =
| internationalyears5  = 
| confederation5       = 
| internationalrole5   = 
| internationalyears6  = 
| confederation6       = 
| internationalrole6   = 
| internationalyears7  = 
| confederation7       = 
| internationalrole7   = 
| internationalyears8  = 
| confederation8       = 
| internationalrole8   = 
| internationalyears9  = 
| confederation9       = 
| internationalrole9   =
| internationalyears10 = 
| confederation10      = 
| internationalrole10  = 



Vsi parametri so neobvezni.

The commonly used name of the official.
The official's complete name.
A picture of the official.
The official's date of birth. {{Birth date and age}} (or {{Birth date}} if dead )
The location of the official's birth.
The official's date of death. Use {{Death date and age}} if dead, with death date followed by birth date.
The location of the official's death.
The official's non-football occupation. Included as most officials are not professional (e.g. Pierluigi Collina was also a Financial advisor).
years1, years2 ... years10
A list of years that the official has represented each league or association.
league1, league2 ... league10
A list of leagues or football associations that the official has represented.
role1, role2 ... role10
A list of roles (either ref or Pomočnik) (only wikilink the first instance of each). You can also use this field to list other role's the official has undertaken for a football association or league, such as Allan Gunn's appointment to the FA's video panel.
internationalyears1, internationalyears2 ... internationalyears10
A list of years that the official has represented a confederation.
confederation1, confederation2 ... confederation10
A list of confederations that the official has represented (including FIFA listed).
internationalrole1, internationalrole2 ... internationalrole10
A list roles that the official has undertaken internationally (either Sodnik or Pomočnik) (only wikilink the first instance of each). You can also use this field to list other role's the official has undertaken for FIFA or a particular confederation, such as David Elleray's role as a FIFA and UEFA Sodnik Assessor.


John Sodnik
Slika:Pomočnik Sodnik 15abr2007.jpg
Osebni podatki
Polno ime Johnathon Alan Sodnik
(1959-10-23)23. oktober 1959
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Smrt 31. december 2001 (2001-12-31) (42 let)
Lewes, Suffolk, England
Ostale zaposlitve Financial advisor
Domača raven
Leta Tekmovanje Vloga
1979–1982 Northern Premier League Sodnik
1982–1986 The Football League Pomočnik
1986–1994 The Football League Sodnik
1994–1997 Premier League Sodnik
1997–2001 The FA Video panel
Mednarodna raven
Leta Tekmovanje Vloga
1995–1997 FIFA listed Sodnik
{{Infopolje Nogometni sodnik
| name                = John Sodnik
| image               = Pomočnik Sodnik 15abr2007.jpg
| fullname            = Johnathon Alan Sodnik
| birth_date          = {{Birth date|1959|10|23|df=y}}
| birth_place         = [[Sheffield]], [[South Yorkshire]], England
| death_date          = {{Death date and age|2001|12|31|1959|10|23|df=y}}
| death_place         = [[Lewes]], [[Suffolk]], England
| otheroccupation     = [[Financial advisor]]
| years1              = 1979–1982
| league1             = [[Northern Premier League]]
| role1               = [[Sodnik (association football)|Sodnik]]
| years2              = 1982–1986
| league2             = [[The Football League]]
| role2               = [[Pomočnik Sodnik|Pomočnik]]
| years3              = 1986–1994
| league3             = The Football League
| role3               = Sodnik
| years4              = 1994–1997
| league4             = [[Premier League]]
| role4               = Sodnik
| years5              = 1997–2001
| league5             = [[The Football Association|The FA]]
| role5               = Video panel
| internationalyears1 = 1995–1997
| confederation1      = [[FIFA International Sodniks List|FIFA listed]]
| internationalrole1  = Sodnik
Steve Dunn
Osebni podatki
Polno ime Stephen W. Dunn
(1957-10-24) 24. oktober 1957 (66  let)
Gloucestershire, England
Domača raven
Leta Tekmovanje Vloga
1978- Gloucestershire County League Sodnik
Western League Sodnik
–1986 Football Conference Sodnik
1986–1992 Football League Pomočnik
1992–2005 Football League
Premier League
1995–2005 Premier League Sodnik
Mednarodna raven
Leta Tekmovanje Vloga
1992–1997 FIFA listed Pomočnik
1997–2002 FIFA listed Sodnik
{{Infopolje Nogometni sodnik
| name                = Steve Dunn
| image               = 
| fullname            = Stephen W. Dunn
| birth_date          = {{Birth date and age|1957|10|24|df=y}}
| birth_place         = [[Gloucestershire]], England
| death_date          = 
| death_place         = 
| otheroccupation     = 
| years1              = 1978-
| league1             = [[Gloucestershire County League]]
| role1               = [[Sodnik (association football)|Sodnik]]
| years2              = 
| league2             = [[Western Football League|Western League]]
| role2               = Sodnik
| years3              = –1986
| league3             = [[Football Conference]]
| role3               = Sodnik
| years4              = 1986–1992
| league4             = [[The Football League|Football League]]
| role4               = [[Pomočnik Sodnik|Pomočnik]]
| years5              = 1992–2005
| league5             = Football League<br>[[Premier League]]
| role5               = Sodnik
| years6              = 1995–2005
| league6             = [[Premier League]]
| role6               = Sodnik
| internationalyears1 = 1992–1997
| confederation1      = [[FIFA International Sodniks List|FIFA listed]]
| internationalrole1  = Pomočnik
| internationalyears2 = 1997–2002
| confederation2      = FIFA listed
| internationalrole2  = Sodnik

Integracija infopolj z Wikipodatki


Prednosti in slabosti



  • Zajemanje podatkov iz centralnega prostora za vse Wikipedije
  • Ustvarjanje in osveževanje podatkov na enem mestu


  • Neustrezno osveževanje ali brisanje podatkov izven nadzora naše Wikipedije, ker sprememb podatkov ne vidiš direktno v članku.

Kako Wikipodatki zbirajo podatke


Podatki v Wikipodatke vnašajo uporabniki in boti. Nekateri boti podatke pridobijo iz Wikipedijinih infopolj, kategorij in člankov. Vsak članek (»item« v terminologiji Wikipodatkov) ima ustrezno stran v Wikipodatkih, kjer se nahajajo podatki. Nekateri boti dodajo »imported from _ Wikipedia« kot obvestilo o izvoru informacije. Ko se podatki prenašajo iz Wikipedije v Wikidata se le-ti ne spremenijo. Pri razvoju baze Wikipodatkov pomagajo izkušenejši Wikipedisti iz različnih projektov.



V določenih infopoljih se že uporabljajo podatki iz Wikipodatkov. Za katere podatke gre so na voljo informacije v samem infopolju. Podatki se zajemajo iz Wikipodatkov le v primeru, ko določeni parameter nima že vnesene lokalne vrednosti.

  • Če je v članku na vrhu vključeno prazno infopolje brez kakršnih koli parametrov, se bodo vsi podatki napolnili iz Wikipodatkov.
  • Če ima članek v Wikipodatkih vpisane tudi rojstne podatke in podatke o smrti, zato se le-ti pojavijo v infopolju. Tukaj se izvede tudi avtomatska kategorizacija v kategoriji Rojeni leta xxxx in Umrli leta yyyy. Članek se pojavi tudi v vzdrževalni kategoriji Kategorija:Članki z redefiniranimi elementi iz Wikipodatkov, ker je v Wikipodatkih na voljo tudi slika, infopolje pa uporablja lastno sliko.

Zatorej, vedno imajo prednost lokalni podatki, ki so vneseni v parametre infopolj.

Trenutno se v {{Infopolje Nogometaš}} iz Wikipodatkov napolnijo |image=, |birth_name=, |birth_date=, |birth_place=, |death_date=, |death_place=.

Kako vnesti podatke v Wikipodatke


Vsak članek (objekt) ima na levi strani v menuju Orodja -> Objekt Wikipodatki možnost urejanja lastnih Wikipodatkov. Točno kako je tam treba izpolniti podatke si je najbolje ogledati kar na primeru Diego Armando Maradona v Wikidata.



Koda HTML, ki jo producira ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča računalnikom, da razčlenijo subjektove podatke. Ta proces je bodisi samodejen, za katalogiziranje člankov v Wikipediji, bodisi na ročno zahtevo bralca s pomočjo orodja v brskalniku, ki na primer doda osebo v adresar.

Parametri o dnevu rojstva ("bday") bodo vključeni v mikroformatu samo, če bo infopolje vsebovalo predlogo {{Datum rojstva}} ali {{Datum rojstva in starost}}.

hCard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:

  • adr
  • agent
  • bday
  • birthplace
  • category
  • country-name
  • deathdate
  • deathplace
  • extended-address
  • family-name
  • fn (required)
  • given-name
  • honorific-prefix
  • honorific-suffix
  • label
  • locality
  • n
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • role
  • url
  • vcard

Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranite teh razredov.