Predloga:Infopolje Kolesar

Moštveni podatki
Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]


Za aktivne kolesarje
{{Infopolje Kolesar
| name           =
| image          =
| image_size     =
| caption        =
| fullname       =
| nickname       =
| country        =
| birth_date     =
| birth_place    =
| height         =
| weight         =
| currentteam    =
| discipline     =
| role           = Kolesar
| ridertype      =
| amateuryears1  =
| amateurteam1   =
| amateuryears2  =
| amateurteam2   =
| proyears1      =
| proteam1       =
| proyears2      =
| proteam2       =
| majorwins      =
| medaltemplates =
| show-medals    =
| updated        =
Za upokojene, še živeče kolesarje
{{Infopolje Kolesar
| name           =
| image          =
| image_size     =
| caption        =
| fullname       =
| nickname       =
| country        =
| birth_date     =
| birth_place    =
| currentteam    = Upokojen
| discipline     =
| role           = Kolesar
| ridertype      =
| amateuryears1  =
| amateurteam1   =
| amateuryears2  =
| amateurteam2   =
| proyears1      =
| proteam1       =
| proyears2      =
| proteam2       =
| majorwins      =
| medaltemplates =
| show-medals    =
Za aktivne trenerje, bivše kolesarje
{{Infopolje Kolesar
| name           =
| image          =
| image_size     =
| caption        =
| country        =
| fullname       =
| nickname       =
| birth_date     =
| birth_place    =
| currentteam    =
| discipline     =
| role           =
| ridertype      =
| amateuryears1  =
| amateurteam1   =
| amateuryears2  =
| amateurteam2   =
| proyears1      =
| proteam1       =
| proyears2      =
| proteam2       =
| manageyears1   =
| manageteam1    =
| manageyears2   =
| manageteam2    =
| majorwins      =
| medaltemplates =
| show-medals    =
| updated        =
Za aktivne trenerje, bivše kolesarje
{{Infopolje Kolesar
| name           =
| image          =
| image_size     =
| caption        =
| fullname       =
| nickname       =
| country        =
| birth_date     =
| birth_place    =
| currentteam    =
| discipline     =
| role           =
| manageyears1   =
| manageteam1    =
| manageyears2   =
| manageteam2    =
| updated        =
Za pokojne kolesarje/trenerje
{{Infopolje Kolesar
| name           =
| image          =
| image_size     =
| caption        =
| fullname       =
| nickname       =
| country        =
| birth_date     =
| birth_place    =
| death_date     =
| death_place    =
| height         =
| weight         =
| discipline     =
| role           =
| ridertype      =
| amateuryears1  =
| amateurteam1   =
| amateuryears2  =
| amateurteam2   =
| proyears1      =
| proteam1       =
| proyears2      =
| proteam2       =
| manageyears1   =
| manageteam1    =
| manageyears2   =
| manageteam2    =
| majorwins      =
| medaltemplates =
| show-medals    =

Integracija infopolj z Wikipodatki


Prednosti in slabosti



  • Zajemanje podatkov iz centralnega prostora za vse Wikipedije
  • Ustvarjanje in osveževanje podatkov na enem mestu


  • Neustrezno osveževanje ali brisanje podatkov izven nadzora naše Wikipedije, ker sprememb podatkov ne vidiš direktno v članku.

Kako Wikipodatki zbirajo podatke


Podatki v Wikipodatke vnašajo uporabniki in boti. Nekateri boti podatke pridobijo iz Wikipedijinih infopolj, kategorij in člankov. Vsak članek (»item« v terminologiji Wikipodatkov) ima ustrezno stran v Wikipodatkih, kjer se nahajajo podatki. Nekateri boti dodajo »imported from _ Wikipedia« kot obvestilo o izvoru informacije. Ko se podatki prenašajo iz Wikipedije v Wikidata se le-ti ne spremenijo. Pri razvoju baze Wikipodatkov pomagajo izkušenejši Wikipedisti iz različnih projektov.



V določenih infopoljih se že uporabljajo podatki iz Wikipodatkov. Za katere podatke gre so na voljo informacije v samem infopolju. Podatki se zajemajo iz Wikipodatkov le v primeru, ko določeni parameter nima že vnesene lokalne vrednosti.

  • Če je v članku na vrhu vključeno prazno infopolje brez kakršnih koli parametrov, se bodo vsi podatki napolnili iz Wikipodatkov.
  • Če ima članek v Wikipodatkih vpisane tudi rojstne podatke in podatke o smrti, zato se le-ti pojavijo v infopolju. Tukaj se izvede tudi avtomatska kategorizacija v kategoriji Rojeni leta xxxx in Umrli leta yyyy. Članek se pojavi tudi v vzdrževalni kategoriji Kategorija:Članki z redefiniranimi elementi iz Wikipodatkov, ker je v Wikipodatkih na voljo tudi slika, infopolje pa uporablja lastno sliko.

Zatorej, vedno imajo prednost lokalni podatki, ki so vneseni v parametre infopolj.

Kako vnesti podatke v Wikipodatke


Vsak članek (objekt) ima na levi strani v menuju Orodja -> Objekt Wikipodatki možnost urejanja lastnih Wikipodatkov. Točno kako je tam treba izpolniti podatke si je najbolje ogledati kar na primeru Luka Mezgec v Wikidata.


Parameter Opombe
name Običajno ime, po navadi enako imenu članka
birth_date Podatek se napolni iz Wikipodatkov oz. — uporabi predlogo {{birth date and age|leto|mesec|dan}} za žive kolesarje in predlogo {{birth date|leto|mesec|dan}} za pokojne kolesarje za hCard mikroformat označbo
country Trenutna država, ki jo kolesar zastopa ali bi zastopal na Svetovnih prvenstvih/Olimpijskih dogodkih.
updated Uporabi datum
Parameter Opombe
image Podatek se napolni iz Wikipodatkov oz. navedite sliko brez oglatih oklepajev; uporabite Photo.jpg namesto [[File:Photo.jpg]]
image_size Default is 220px
caption Provides a caption for the image
alt Provides alt-text for the image
nickname The rider's most common nickname
birth_place Podatek se napolni iz Wikipodatkov oz. Wikilinked text (no flags as per WP:FLAG) to the city and country of birth
death_date Podatek se napolni iz Wikipodatkov oz. Date of death - use {{death date and age|year of death|month of death|day of death|year of birth|month of birth|day of birth}}
death_place Podatek se napolni iz Wikipodatkov oz. Wikilinked text (no flags as per WP:FLAG) to the city and country of death
height The rider's height in the units most common within the continent he rides (see Units of measurement), namely metric in Europe, Imperial in the U.S.
weight The rider's weight in the units most common within the continent he rides (see Units of measurement), namely metric in Europe, Imperial in the U.S.
currentteam The team for which the rider/manager currently works. This should be the current name of the team, and should be wikilinked.
discipline Should be the most common, but acceptable to list several if they regularly compete in them
role Most common examples are Rider, Directeur sportif, Technical director and Team manager
ridertype Strongest attribute or role as a rider. Examples include All-rounder, Time trialist, Climber, Sprinter and Domestique
amateuryears1, amateuryears2, amateuryears3, ... The years for which the rider has been contracted by their amateur teams
amateurteams1, amateurteams2, amateurteams3, ... The amateur teams at which the rider has been contracted
proyears1, proyears2, proyears3, ... The years for which the rider has been contracted by professional teams
proteams1, proteams2, proteams3, ... The professional teams at which the rider has been contracted. Giving the name of the team at the time of the rider's establishing a contract with them, and the current name, if a team's name has changed radically, only if the rider is still at that team. Separate entries are not required for subsequent team names. Wikilinking of the team name will allow readers to track intermediate changes in name.
manageyears1, manageyears2, manageyears3, ... The years for which that the manager has been contracted by the professional teams
manageteams1, manageteams2, manageteams3, ... The professional teams at which the manager has been contracted
majorwins A {{plainlist}} of the major wins. Should include notable victories as a rider
medaltemplates An incorporated set of medal templates to show medals won in senior championships
show-medals If "show-medals=yes", the medal table is displayed. Otherwise, it is hidden and will only be showed if the "show" link is clicked.