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Navportus (pogovor | prispevki)
Amazone7 (pogovor | prispevki)
Vrstica 95:
--[[Uporabnik:Eddie619|Eddie619]] 11:01, 28. junij 2007 (CEST)
: Hi! It says that "in 2005-06 season 20 teams participated in the Serie A. First and second team entred the League, third and fourth team managed to join qualification. 5th, 6th and the Italian Cup winning teams joined the UEFA Cup. Participants to the European Cup are still not known due to Moggiopoli case." I hope my english translate is of some use. I am not sure if the translation is correct, since the football is not my field :) [[Uporabnik:Navportus|Navportus]] 19:48, 29. junij 2007 (CEST)
== Povabilo ==
Lep pozdrav, Vrhničan:) Vabim te na srečanje Wikipedija:V živo. Vse podrobnosti najdeš [[Wikipedija:V živo|tu]], na voljo sem ti tudi na moji pogovorni strani. Koordinatorica, [[Uporabnik:Amazone7|Amazone7]] 16:09, 12. avgust 2007 (CEST).