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Vrstica 62:
:Thanks. The form you give as "better," with ''sto devetnajst'' as two words, agrees with the book I'm studying, by Andrea Albretti. However, I notice XJam runs them all together, for example, 1729 and 5555. [[Uporabnik:Anton Mravcek|Anton Mravcek]] 18:19, 18 jan. 2005 (CET)
Well, actually our "language law" ([[Slovenski pravopis]]) says that numbers higher thenthan 100 must be written apart:
* 5555: pet tisoč pet sto petinpetdeset,
* 1729: tisoč sedem sto devetindvajset.
For some technical reasons this rule can be ignored e.g. when numbers are written on bills. I'm note sure if this case is valid in Wikipedija? --[[Uporabnik:Andrejj|AndrejJ]] 18:30, 18 jan. 2005 (CET)
: Well, I guess I should also have to follow the [[Slovenski pravopis|SP]]'s rules. I'll correct names for numbers higher than 100, then. --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 20:26, 18 jan. 2005 (CET)