Zastava Gruzije: Razlika med redakcijama

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Nova stran: {{working}} thumb|[[Image:FIAV 111110.svg|23px Flag ratio: 2:3]] The official '''flag of Georgia''' is the "'''five-cross flag'''", ...
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[[Image:Flag of Georgia.svg|thumb|[[Image:FIAV 111110.svg|23px]] Flag ratioRazmerje: 2:3]]
Uradna '''zastava [[Gruzija|Gruzije]]''' je "'''zastava s petimi križi'''", po okrog 500 letih so jo ponovno uvedli [[14. januar]]ja [[2004]]. Prej je bila to zastava srednjeveškega gruzinskega kraljestva in Stranka združenega naroda jo je uporabljala za svoj simbol.
[[Image:Flag of Georgia.svg|thumb|[[Image:FIAV 111110.svg|23px]] Flag ratio: 2:3]]
The official '''flag of [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]]''' is the "'''five-cross flag'''", restored to official use on [[January 14]], [[2004]] after a break of some 500 years. It was previously the flag of the medieval Georgian kingdom and had been used as the official symbol of the [[United National Movement]] political party.
== HistoryZgodovina of the flagzastave ==
Zastavo so uporabljali vsaj od 13. stoletja. Glavni element na njej je križ [[sv. Jurij]]a, zavetnika Gruzije. Enak motiv se pojavi tudi na zastavi [[Anglija|Anglije]]. Strokovnjak Giorgi Gabeskiria pravi, da so bili štirje manjši križi dodani v času [[Jurij V. Gruzinski|Jurija V.]], ki je izgnal [[Mongoli|Mongole]]. V tem času se je motiv prevzel kot oblika jeruzalemskega križa, ki je bil simbol križarjev. Pet križev naj bi predstavljalo petero ran [[Kristus]]a.
The "five-cross flag" has been used since at least the [[13th century]]. The central element of the flag is [[St. George's cross]] (still used as the national [[flag of England]]), who is the patron saint of Georgia. According to the Georgian scholar Giorgi Gabeskiria, the four extra crosses were probably added during the reign of [[George V of Georgia]] (also known as "the Brilliant" or "the Splendid"), who drove out the [[Mongol]]s. Around that time, the new design was adopted as a variant of the [[Jerusalem cross]], a symbol used by crusaders in the [[Holy Land]], which likewise used a large central cross with four smaller "crosslets" in the four quadrants. The crosses are said to have represented the five [[Holy Wounds]] of [[Christ]].
Kasneje se je zastava nehala uporabljati, vendar so jo oživili v gibanju za neodvisnost od [[SZ|Sovjetske zveze]] leta [[1991]]. Večina Gruzincev, skupaj s patriarhom gruzinske apostolske cerkve, je podpirala restavracijo zastave in leta 1999 je parlament podpisal zakon o zamenjavi. Vendar pa zakona ni podprl predsednik [[Eduard Ševardnadze]]. Zastava je postala simbol upora proti Ševardnadzejevemu režimu, ki fa je vodil [[Mikhail Saakašvili]].
The flag fell out of use later in the medieval period, but was revived by Georgian patriotic movement following the country's independence from the [[Soviet Union]] in 1991. A majority of Georgians, including the influential [[Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia|Catholicos-Patriarch]] of the [[Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church]], supported the restoration of the flag and in [[1999]] the Georgian parliament passed a bill to change the flag. However, it was not endorsed by the President, [[Eduard Shevardnadze]]. It was adopted in the late 1990s by the main opposition party, the [[United National Movement]] led by [[Mikhail Saakashvili]], as a symbol of popular resistance to Shevardnadze's rule.
Zastava je bila uvedena 14. januarja 2004, po tem, ko se je zamenjal režim. Zakon je uradno podpisal Saakašvili, ko je postal predsednik države. Potezo so nekateri videli kot sporno, saj je politična zastava stranke postala državni simbol.
The flag was adopted by the Georgian parliament on [[January 14]], [[2004]]. It was formally endorsed by a presidential decree signed by Saakashvili on [[January 25]], following his election as President of Georgia. Its adoption was not without controversy, as some complained that the adoption of a party's political flag as a national emblem was an anti-democratic move.
== EarlierPrejšnje flags of Georgiazastave ==
[[Image:Flag of Georgia (1990-2004).svg|thumb|FlagZastava of GeorgiaGruzije, 1918-1921, 1990-2004]]
=== IndependentINeodvisna GeorgiaGruzija (1918-1921, 1990-2004) ===
Med kratko gruzinsko samostojnostjo [[1918]]-[[1921]] je bila v uporabi tribarvna zastava (desno). Zastavo so izbrali na natečaju, kjer je zmagal slikar [[Jakob Nikoladze]]. Ob priključitvi Gruzije Sovjetski zvezi so zastavo zamenjali, vendar pa se je spet začela uporabljati [[14. november|14. novembra]] [[1990]] ob ponovni samostojnosti.
During Georgia's brief existence as an independent state (the [[Democratic Republic of Georgia]]) from [[1918]]-[[1921]], a tricolor flag was adopted (right). The design resulted from a national flag-designing contest won by [[Jakob Nikoladze]], a painter. It was abolished by the Soviet Union following the 1921 takeover of Georgia but was revived on [[November 14]], [[1990]] by the [[Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia]]. It lost popularity thereafter as it became associated with the chaotic and violent period following Georgia's independence from the Soviet Union.
=== SovietSovjetska GeorgiaGruzija (1921-1990) ===
[[Image:Flag of Georgian SSR.svg|thumb|right|FlagZastava ofGruzinske Georgian Soviet Socialist RepublicSSR, 1921-1990]]
V sovjetskem obdobju je Gruzija uporabljala več različic zastave, na kateri so bili ime Gruzinske SSR, [[srp in kladivo]], [[rdeča zvezda]], modro sonce in modra črta na vrhu. Zastava se je nehala uporabljati z osamosvojitvijo leta 1990.
During the Soviet period, Georgia adopted a number of versions of the [[flag of the Soviet Union|red Soviet flag]] incorporating either the [[Georgian SSR|Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic's]] name, or a red [[hammer and sickle]] with a [[red star|star]] in a blue sun in [[flag terminology|canton]] and blue bar in the upper part of flag (right). The [[flag of Georgian SSR]] was abolished by the Georgian government when it declared independence from the Soviet Union in November 1990.
== External links and references ==
*[ Flag of Georgia], [[President of Georgia]] website.
*[ The Law of Georgia on the National Flag (2004)], [[Parliament of Georgia]] website.{{ge icon}}
*[ "Georgia"], ''Flags of the World''
*[ "What's With Georgia's Flags?"], ''[[Slate (magazine)|Slate]]'', [[November 25]], [[2003]]
== Zunanje povezave ==
*[ FlagZastava of GeorgiaGruzije], [[President of Georgia]] website.