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Vrstica 12:
I guess this would be the right way to coin term in Slovene. Perhaps you gave term »coprime count« without direct link to »nontotients«, since we haven't spoken about this yet. And one more thing. A term »netuještevno število« now shows to something that counts coprime numbers (or that it lacks of them), but it should show a property which is related to totient function, or is within its range.
:The confusion is my fault. I should've said at the beginning that »coprime count« is »totient«, a fact that I myself later forgot. Then, 4 is a »coprime count« to 10 and a couple of other numbers, while 14 is »never a coprime count«, that is, a »netuještevno število«.
:I'm going to go ahead and start using these terms in edit summaries and things like that, but not in articles yet. [[Uporabnik:Anton Mravcek|Anton Mravcek]] 20:23, 7 jan. 2005 (CET)