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m →‎[[143 (število)|143]]: typos|nesotuještevno -> sotuještevno ~
→‎[[143 (število)|143]]: Some more doubts in confusions
Vrstica 158:
::::: And as I've said - we should not yet use the term as it is merely our invention. I guess [[uporabnik:romanm|Roman]] will speak up soon about this matter and I believe he won't agree, so caution won't hurt. But in similar manner we have come to the term about [[praštevilski razcep]] (it should point out to [[:en:Integer factorization|Integer factorization]], not in fact to [[:en:Factorization|Factorization]] - I have to correct this), so this conversation is not in vain for sure. --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 23:01, 22 dec 2004 (CET)
Hm. Now I am in a little doubt. In that list we have to find Slovene words for these English terms:
* [[:en:nontotient|nontotient]], [[:en:noncototient|noncototient]], [[:en:highly totient number|highly totient number]], highly cototient number
Why is there a negation in nontotient? In »comprime count« there is no negation. Is nontotient really the same as comprime count? Or it should be totient or noncoprime? I've made one confusion here, since I haven't seen a term »highly cototient number«. How this term would sound in a manner of »coprime count«? Since it is a negation I guess »highly (co-co)prime count«, but it sounds terrible. I guess that in fact »nontotient« is a negation of »coprime count«, right. It is just a matter of speaking. If we agree that we would count a number of coprime numbers then we might say »coprime count«, and if we say that we would count non-coprime numbers, then we'll say »nontotient« (similar as for even or odd numbers..). If this is the case, then »nontotient« in Slovene should be »netuještevno število« and all terms as:
* netuještevno število, nesotuještevno število, zelo tuještevno število, zelo sotuještevno število.
I guess this would be the right way to coin term in Slovene. Perhaps you gave term »coprime count« without direct link to »nontotients«, since we haven't spoken about this yet. And one more thing. A term »netuještevno število« now shows to something that counts coprime numbers (or that it lacks of them), but it should show a property which is related to totient function, or is within its range.