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m →‎[[143 (število)|143]]: typos|nesotuještevno -> sotuještevno ~
Vrstica 149:
::::I see. (Word endings is what has given me the most trouble in learning Slovene so far. That and not having someone to practice the language in a conversational manner.) [[Uporabnik:Anton Mravcek|Anton Mravcek]] 22:31, 22 dec 2004 (CET)
::::: Yes, the same goes with English, when you try to traslatetranslate - particularly technical text. English speaker knows what in fact (simple words) as nontotient, coprime mean, but 'the lack' of word endings in English troubles non-English speaking. For instance, English article about [[:en:colour|colour]] sounds to me that it comes from some Shakespeare's work or that the article was rewritten from [[Isaac Newton|Newton]]'s famous book ''(The) Opticks''. If someone thinks that English is 'easy' because it is so widely used today, he is in a great mistake. It takes a great effort to translate English wikipedia articles, let us say, in Slovene. --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 23:01, 22 dec 2004 (CET)
::: If I would be Slovene Sylvester I would call »nontotient number« in Slovene as »tuještevno število«! This is a good idea (based on your English term), but unfortunately it is just an artificial (but good) construction (or »konstrukt« as it is said in Slovene) --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 22:22, 22 dec 2004 (CET)
Vrstica 155:
::::»Tuještevno število«. That has a very nice ring to it. It fits better with the rhythm of the language. In fact, I think it is the best thing to come out of this brainstorm. So then would noncototient be »kotuještevno število« and highly totient number be »zelo tuještev število«? [[Uporabnik:Anton Mravcek|Anton Mravcek]] 22:31, 22 dec 2004 (CET)
::::: Yes, I've seen [[:en:user:PrimeFan|PrimeFan]]'s list about words for nontotients in other languages and his notice in your and my English user page. Noncototient should be neso»so-« (without negation, since term comes from coprime count, not from already negated nontotient!), since »co-« in Slovene means »so, for example »coaction« is called »so(delovanje)« and so on. So more properly would be »nesotuještevnosotuještevno število«. »Zelo tuještevno število« would be correct, similar as [[zelo sestavljeno število]] ([[:en:Highly composite number|Highly composite number]]). I'll correct nesotuještevno število there as a proposal. --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 00:21, 23 dec 2004 (CET)
::::: And as I've said - we should not yet use the term as it is merely our invention. I guess [[uporabnik:romanm|Roman]] will speak up soon about this matter and I believe he won't agree, so caution won't hurt. But in similar manner we have come to the term about [[praštevilski razcep]] (it should point out to [[:en:Integer factorization|Integer factorization]], not in fact to [[:en:Factorization|Factorization]] - I have to correct this), so this conversation is not in vain for sure. --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 23:01, 22 dec 2004 (CET)