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m →‎Nontotient: -> Tuještevno število
Vrstica 83:
: Od nedavnega obstajajo tudi [[Wikipedija:Povezave na druge jezike|navodila za interwiki]]. Tipični vnos v angleški wikipediji je videti takole: <nowiki>[[sl:42 (&amp;#353;tevilo)]]</nowiki>. --[[Uporabnik:Romanm|romanm]] 00:27, 18 avg 2004 (CEST)
== Tuještevno število (Nontotient) ==
Hello, Anton. I was trying to make an article about »nontotient (number)« but I have to admit that I do not know the correct Slovene term for it. Perhaps some other user (or even you) will provide it. In fact (as far as I know) even Euler totient function was an 'artificial' invention within English language - so I guess a term »nontotient« has similar origins. I have forgotten who had coined a term »totient funcion« (perhaps [[James Joseph Sylvester]] - but I am not sure). These numbers (nontotient) {[[14 (število)|14]], [[26 (število)|26]], [[34 (število)|34]], [[38 (število)|38]], [[50 (število)|50]], [[62 (število)|62]], [[68 (število)|68]], [[74 (število)|74]], [[76 (število)|76]], [[86 (število)|86]], [[90 (število)|90]], [[94 (število)|94]], [[98 (število)|98]], [[114 (število)|114]], [[118 (število)|118]], [[122 (število)|122]], ...} have some interesting math properties, don't they. Lep pozdrav. --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|XJam]] 23:33, 10 avg 2004 (CEST)