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mBrez povzetka urejanja
Vrstica 151:
::: If I would be Slovene Sylvester I would call »nontotient number« in Slovene as »tuještevno število«! This is a good idea (based on your English term), but unfortunately it is just an artificial (but good) construction (or »konstrukt« as it is said in Slovene) --[[Uporabnik:XJamRastafire|xJaM]] 22:22, 22 dec 2004 (CET)
::::»Tuještevno število«. That has a very nice ring to it. It fits better with the rhythm of the language. In fact, I think it is the best thing to come out of this brainstorm. So then would noncototient be »kotuještevno število« and highly totient number be »zelo tuještev število«? [[Uporabnik:Anton Mravcek|Anton Mravcek]] 22:31, 22 dec 2004 (CET)