Modul:Citation/CS1/styles.css: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
m posodobitev
m posodobitev
Vrstica 1:
/* Protection icon
/*-------------------------< P R O T E C T I O N I C O N >--------------------
the following line controls the page-protection icon in the upper right corner
it must remain within this comment
Vrstica 7 ⟶ 6:
/* Overrides
Some wikis do not override user agent default styles for HTML <cite> and <q>,
/*-------------------------< O V E R R I D E S >--------------------------------
unlike en.wp. On en.wp, keep these the same as [[MediaWiki:Common.css]]
cs1|2 references are wrapped in <cite>...</cite> tags. Some wikis have not
chosen to override the generic user agent italic styling as has. This
(untested) styling should override the user agent default when cs1|2 templates
are rendered.
Similarly, some languages use different quotation punctuation so that setting
is also made available here.
cite.citation {
font-style: inherit; /* Remove italics for <cite> */
/* Reset italic styling set by user agent (only for cs1|2 templates; the
reason for the .citation qualifier) */
font-style: inherit;
.citation q {
quotes: '"' '"' "'" "'"; /* Straight quote marks for <q>; keep same as [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] */
quotes: '"' '"' "'" "'";
Vrstica 36 ⟶ 25:
the .id-lock-... selectors are for use by non-citation templates like {{Catalog lookup link}}
.id-lock-free a,
.citation .cs1-lock-free a {
background: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent),
background-image: url(//;
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url(//;
background-repeat: right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat;
background-size: 9px;
background-position: right .1em center;
Vrstica 50 ⟶ 36:
.citation .cs1-lock-limited a,
.citation .cs1-lock-registration a {
background: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent),
background-image: url(//;
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url(//;
background-repeat: right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat;
background-size: 9px;
background-position: right .1em center;
.id-lock-subscription a,
.citation .cs1-lock-subscription a {
background: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent),
background-image: url(//;
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url(//;
background-repeat: right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat;
background-size: 9px;
background-position: right .1em center;
Vrstica 77 ⟶ 59:
/* Wikisource icon
Wikisource icon when |chapter= or |title= is wikilinked to Wikisource
Experiment to see if it is possible/practical to add support for a wikisource
icon when |chapter= or |title= is wikilinked to a sourceas in wikisource ala cite wikisource
.cs1-ws-icon a {
background: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent),
background-image: url(//;
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, transparent), url(//;
background-repeat: right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat;
background-size: 12px;
background-position: right .1em center;
Vrstica 92 ⟶ 72:
code.cs1-code {
/* <code>...</code> style override: mediawiki's css definition is specified here:
color: inherit;
background: inherit;
border: inheritnone; /* codethis editormaybe doesn'tcan likebe inherit. withMDN border?says yes, code editor says no */
suggests that inherit is ok
the actual spec says the code editor is correct:
padding: inherit;
Vrstica 125 ⟶ 101:
was just 0.85. We could write the rule so that when this template is inside
references/reflist, only then does it multiply by 0.95; else multiply by 0.85 */
.cs1-format {
font-size: 95%;