Kitajski misijoni: Razlika med redakcijama

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Stebunik (pogovor | prispevki)
Stebunik (pogovor | prispevki)
Vrstica 118:
V spore so vpletli tudi kitajske spreobrnjence, ki so se odzvali z ogorčenimi oporečnimi pismi, knjigami, spsi itd. SplohV ostri in polemični razmejitvi med "dominikanskim" in "jezuitskim" načinom se tkzv. Zahodnjaki sploh niso ozirali na njihov kočljiv položaj, saj kitajski obredi zavzemajo pomembno mesto tako v javnem kot zasebnem življenju.<ref name="BrownTackett2006">{{cite book|author1=Stewart J. Brown|author2=Timothy Tackett|title=Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 7, Enlightenment, Reawakening and Revolution 1660-1815|url=|access-date=4 March 2013|year=2006|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-81605-2|page=463|quote=Whereas from a missionary perspective the focus is on the sharp demarcation between the so-called 'Jesuit' and 'Dominican' positions, the role of the Chinese converts has been largely ignored. 'Their involvement in the controversy through books, pamphlets, letters of protest etc. shows that they were truly imbedded in a Chinese society in which rites occupied an important place.'}}</ref>
== [[References|Opombe]] ==