Hišno varovanje: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 36:
Caba, S. (2. januar 2015). [https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/04/travel/a-primer-in-house-sitting.html A Primer in House Sitting]. ''The New York Times''. Pridobljeno dne 28. april 2020
Gammell, K. (12. maj 2012). [[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/buildingsandcontent/9259888/Home-owners-leave-properties-without-sufficient-insurance.html Home owners leave properties without sufficient insurance]]. ''The Daily Telegraph''. Pridobljeno dne 28. april 2020
Mellor, J. (11. marec 2015). [[Housesitting: The Ultimate Sharing Economy]]. ''The London Economic''. Pridobljeno dne 28. april 2020
Coldwell, W. (10. december 2013). [[https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2013/dec/10/house-sitting-see-the-world-for-free House-sit and see the world for free]]. ''The Guardian''. Pridobljeno dne 28. april 2020
[[https://www.workaway.info/en/hosttype/house_sitting House sitting opportunities from around the world]]. ''Workaway''. Pridobljeno dne 28. april 2020