Otto Hahn: Razlika med redakcijama

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== Viri ==
* {{citat|last1= Strnad|first1= Janez|authorlink1= Janez Strnad|title=. Fiziki, 3. del|date=. 2000|publisher=Ljubljana: Modrijan|location=, Ljubljana|pages=2000. 113–126|cobiss= 53716736|ref= harv}}113-126.
*Ronald W. Clark, 1980: ''The Greatest Power on Earth: The Story of Nuclear Fission''. Sidgwick & Jackson, London. ISBN 978-0-283-98715-1
*Anthony Feldman, Peter Ford, 1979: ''Otto Hahn – in: Scientists and Inventors''. Aldus Books, London.
*Laura Fermi, 1962. ''The Story of Atomic Energy''. Random House, New York.
*Hans D. Graetzer, David L. Anderson, 1971. ''The Discovery of Nuclear Fission. A documentary history''. Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York.