Vlado Dimovski: Razlika med redakcijama

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== Izbrana bibliografija ==
*Škerlavaj, M., Štemberger, M. I., & Dimovski, V. (2007). Organizational learning culture—the missing link between business process change and organizational performance. International journal of production economics, 106(2), 346-367.
Škerlavaj*Zagoršek, MH., ŠtembergerDimovski, M. IV., & DimovskiŠkerlavaj, VM. (20072009). OrganizationalTransactional learningand culture—thetransformational missingleadership linkimpacts between business process change andon organizational performancelearning. InternationalJournal journalfor ofEast productionEuropean economics,Management 106(2)Studies, 346144-367165.
*Cadez, S., Dimovski, V., & Zaman Groff, M. (2017). Research, teaching and performance evaluation in academia: the salience of quality. Studies in Higher Education, 42(8), 1455-1473.
Zagoršek, H., Dimovski, V., & Škerlavaj, M. (2009). Transactional and transformational leadership impacts on organizational learning. Journal for East European Management Studies, 144-165.
Cadez, S., Dimovski, V., & Zaman Groff, M. (2017). Research, teaching and performance evaluation in academia: the salience of quality. Studies in Higher Education, 42(8), 1455-1473.
*Dimovski, V., Škerlavaj, M., & Man, M. M. K. (2010). Is there a'glass ceiling'for female managers in Singapore organizations?. Managing Global Transitions: International Research Journal, 8(4).