Frigg: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 35:
== Viri ==
Bulfinch, Thomas. ''Bulfinch's Mythology.'' Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1913. (v angleščini)
Faulkes, Anthony. ''Edda.'' Everyman, London 1995. (v angleščini)
Grundy, Stephan. ''»Freyja and Frigg«, The Concept of the Goddes.'' Routledge, London 1998.
Heide, Eldar. ''Spinning Seiðr. In Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes and Interactions.'' Preses Nams, Riga 2006. (v angleščini)
''Encyclopedia Mythica'' (3. marec 1997). (angleščina). Pridobljeno 26. marec 2019
Larrington, Carolyne. ''The Poetic Edda.'' Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999.
McCoy, Daniel (2012-2019). “''Norse Mythology for Smart People.”'' (angleščina). Pridobljeno 26. marec 2019
Orel, Vladimir. ''A Handbook of Germanic Etymology''. BRILL, Boston 2003.