Internet: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 69:
Izraz zlonamerna programska oprema (malware) opisuje programsko opremo, ki se namesti na uporabnikov računalnik in mu škodi, s pomočjo interneta je njeno razširjanje močno olajšano. Med zlonamerno programsko opremo štejemo računalniške viruse (širijo se s pomočjo ljudi, ki delijo prostovoljno, naklepno ali zaradi malomarnosti in neznanja), [[računalniški črv|računalniške črve]], ki delujejo samodejno, programe, ki uničujejo delovanje računalnika, [[izsiljevalsko programje]] (program, ki ga upravlja izsiljevalec in tako pritiska na uporabnika), [[botnet]]e, [[vohunsko programje]] (beleži delovanje in tipkanje uporabnikov). Ukvarjanje s temi dejavnostmi lahko pomeni [[kibernetski kriminal]].
=== Cenzura in nadzor alllo ===
[[File:Internet Censorship and Surveillance World Map.svg|350px|thumb|<center>'''Cenzura in nadzor interneta po državah'''<ref name=ONISS-Nov2011>OpenNet Initiative [ "Summarized global Internet filtering data spreadsheet"] {{webarchive|url= |date=10 January 2012 }}, 8 November 2011 and [ "Country Profiles"] {{webarchive|url= |date=26 August 2011 }}, the OpenNet Initiative is a collaborative partnership of the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto; the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University; and the SecDev Group, Ottawa</ref><ref name=ONIChildPornLegal>Due to legal concerns the [[OpenNet Initiative]] does not check for filtering of [[child pornography]] and because their classifications focus on technical filtering, they do not include other types of censorship.</ref><ref name=RWBEnemies2014>[ "Internet Enemies"], ''Enemies of the Internet 2014: Entities at the heart of censorship and surveillance'', Reporters Without Borders (Paris), 11&nbsp;March 2014. Retrieved 24&nbsp;June 2014.</ref><ref name=RWBEnemies>[ ''Internet Enemies''], Reporters Without Borders (Paris), 12&nbsp;March 2012</ref></center>