Beatrix Potter: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 1:
{{infopolje oseba}}
'''Helen Beatrix Potter''' (28. 7. 1866–22. 12. 1943) je bila angleška pisateljica, ilustratorka, naravna znanstvenica in okoljevarstvenica, znana po svojih knjigah v katerih nastopajo živali, kot tiste v knjigi [[Zbrane prigode Petra Zajca|'''''Zbrane prigode Petra Zajca'''''.]]{{bioslika|islike=Beatrix Potter by King.jpg|napis=Beatrix Potter}}
== <big>'''Življenje'''</big> ==
Vrstica 25:
Peter Rabbit's Painting Book (1911)<br>Tom Kitten's Painting Book (1917)<br>Jemima Puddle-Duck's Painting Book (1925)<br>Peter Rabbit's Almanac for 1929 (1928)<br>The Fairy Caravan (1929)<br>Sister Anne (illustrated by Katharine Sturges) (1932)<br>Wag-by-Wall (decorations by J. J. Lankes) (1944)<br>The Tale of the Faithful Dove (illustrated by Marie Angel) (1955, 1970)<br>The Sly Old Cat (written 1906; first published 1971)<br>The Tale of Tuppenny (illustrated by Marie Angel) (1973)<br>
== '''Viri''' ==