Troja: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
Engelbert (pogovor | prispevki)
m pp
Engelbert (pogovor | prispevki)
m pp
Vrstica 102:
* [ Uradna spletna stran]
*{{cite web | url= |title=Welcome to Troy |author=Troia Projekt and CERHAS |year=2013 |website=Troy |publisher=University of Cincinnati |accessdate=8 August 2013}}
*{{cite web | url= |title=TROIA AND THE TROAD - ARCHAEOLOGY OF A REGION: The new excavations at Troy |authorauthor1=Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Universität Tübingen, DEU, and |author2=Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, USA |year=2010 |website=Project Troia |publisher=Institut für Ur- u. Frühgeschichte |accessdate=8 August 2013}}
*{{cite web | first=Jeremy B. | last=Rutter | title=Welcome | website=Aegean Prehistoric Archaeology | publisher=Dartmouth College | year=2013 | url= | accessdate= 10 August 2013}}
*{{cite web | first=Neil | last=Thomas | url= | title=Geology corresponds with Homer’s description of ancient Troy | year=2003 | website=UDaily Archive | publisher=University of Delaware | accessdate=10 August 2013}}