Transspolnost: Razlika med redakcijama

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'''Transspolni''' ljudje so ljudje, katerih [[spolna identiteta]] se razlikuje od njihovega [[Sex assignment|pripisanega spola]].<ref name="Altilio">{{cite book|authors=Terry Altilio, Shirley Otis-Green|title=Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work|publisher=[[Oxford University Press]]|isbn=0199838275|year=2011|page=380|accessdate=April 12, 2016|url=|quote=''Transgender'' is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD], 2007).}}</ref><ref name="Forsyth">{{cite book|authors=Craig J. Forsyth, Heith Copes|title=Encyclopedia of Social Deviance|publisher=[[Sage Publications]]|isbn=1483364690|year=2014|page=740|accessdate=April 12, 2016|url=|quote=Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identities, gender expressions, and/or behaviors are different from those culturally associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.}}</ref><ref name="Berg-Weger">{{cite book|author=Marla Berg-Weger|title=Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation|publisher=[[Routledge]]|isbn=1317592026|year=2016|page=229|accessdate=April 12, 2016|url=|quote=Transgender: An umbrella term that describes people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from expectations associated with the sex assigned to them at birth.}}</ref> Transspolnim ljudjem včasih pravijo ''[[transseksualci]]'', če želijo z medicinsko pomočjo spremeniti svoje telo, da se bo skladalo z njihovo spolno identiteto. ''Transspolnost'' je tudi [[Umbrella term|krovni termin]]: poleg [[Transspolna ženska|trans moških]] in [[Transspolna ženska|trans žensk]] lahko vključuje tudi ljudi, ki niso izključno moški ali ženske (npr. kvirsspolne, [[Bigender|bispolne]], [[Pangender|panspolne]], [[spolno fluidni|spolno fluidne]] ali [[Brezspolni|aspolne osebe]]).<ref name="Forsyth">{{cite book|authors=Craig J. Forsyth, Heith Copes|title=Encyclopedia of Social Deviance|publisher=[[Sage Publications]]|isbn=1483364690|year=2014|page=740|accessdate=April 12, 2016|url=|quote=Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identities, gender expressions, and/or behaviors are different from those culturally associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.}}</ref><ref name="">Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. </ref><ref name="Bilodeau">B Bilodeau, ''Beyond the gender binary: A case study of two transgender students at a Midwestern research university'', in the ''Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education'' (2005): "Yet Jordan and Nick represent a segment of transgender communities that have largely been overlooked in transgender and student development research&nbsp;– individuals who express a non-binary construction of gender[.</ref> Druge definicije ''transspolnosti'' vključujejo tudi ljudi, ki pripadajo [[Third gender|tretjemu spolu]], ali pa konceptualizirajo transspolne ljudi kot tretji spol.<ref name="Stryker3G">Susan Stryker, Stephen Whittle, ''The Transgender Studies Reader'' ([// ISBN 1-135-39884-4]), page 666: "The authors note that, increasingly, in social science literature, the term "third gender" is being replaced by or conflated with the newer term "transgender."</ref><ref name="Chrisler">Joan C. Chrisler, Donald R. McCreary, ''Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology'', volume 1 (2010, [// ISBN 1-4419-1465-X]), page 486: "Transgender is a broad term characterized by a challenge of traditional gender roles and gender identity[. </ref> Včasih, a redkeje, pa se pojem ''transspolnosti'' definira tako široko, da vključuje tudi transvestite<ref name="ReisnerEtAl">{{cite journal|last1=Reisner|first1=Sari L.|last2=Conron|first2=Kerith|last3=Mimiaga|first3=Matthew J.|last4=Haneuse|first4=Sebastien|display-authors=4|last5=et al|year=2014|title=, ''Comparing in-person and online survey respondents in the US National Transgender Discrimination Survey: implications for transgender health research''|journal=LGBT Health|volume=1|issue=2|pages=98–106|doi=10.1089/lgbt.2013.0018|quote=Transgender was defined broadly to cover those who transition from one gender to another as well as those who may not choose to socially, medically, or legally fully transition, including cross-dressers, people who consider themselves to be genderqueer, androgynous, and ...}}</ref> ne glede na njihovo spolno identiteto.
Biti transspolen je neodvisno od [[Spolna usmerjenost|spolne usmerjenosti]]:<ref name="apahelp">{{cite web|title=Sexual orientation, homosexuality and bisexuality|publisher=[[American Psychological Association]]|accessdate=August 10, 2013|url=|archivedate=August 8, 2013}}</ref> transspolni ljudje se namreč lahko identificirajo kot [[heteroseksualni]], [[Homoseksualnost|homoseksualni]], [[Biseksualnost|biseksualni]], [[Asexuality|aseksualni]] itd., ali pa menijo, da so običajne oznake za spolno usmerjenost pomanjkljive ali neustrezne. IzrazTransspolnost ''transspolen ''se lahko tudi razlikujejorazlikuje od izraza ''[[IntersexInterspolnost|interseksualeninterspolnosti]] –'' izraza, ki opisuje ljudi, rojene s fizičnimi značilnostmi, "ki se ne prilegajo tipičnemu binarnemu pojmovanju moškega ali ženskega telesa".<ref name="unfe-fact">{{Cite web|author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.-->|publisher=United Nations [[Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights]]|title=Free & Equal Campaign Fact Sheet: Intersex|year=2015|url=|access-date=March 28, 2016}}</ref>
[[Slika:A TransGender-Symbol Plain2.png|sličica|175x175_pik|Simbol transspolnosti je kombinacija simbolov Marsa (moškosti) in Venere (ženskosti).]]
Veliko transspolnih ljudi doživlja [[Disforija spola|disforijo spola]] in nekateri se odločijo za fizično tranzicijo (ki lahko vključuje [[Hormone replacement therapy (transgender)|hormonsko nadomestno terapijo]], [[Sex reassignment surgery|operacijo potrditve spola]] in druge posege) ali [[psihoterapija|psihoterapijo]].<ref name="Maizes">Victoria Maizes, ''Integrative Women's Health'' (2015, [// ISBN 0190214805]), page 745: "Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria—distress that results from the discordance of biological sex and experienced gender (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). </ref> Fizične tranzicije si ne želijo vse transspolne osebe, lahko pa jim je tudi nedosegljiva iz finančnih ali zdravstvenih razlogov.<ref name="Maizes">Victoria Maizes, ''Integrative Women's Health'' (2015, [// ISBN 0190214805]), page 745: "Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria—distress that results from the discordance of biological sex and experienced gender (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). </ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Understanding Transgender People FAQ|url=|website=National Center for Transgender Equality|accessdate=20 April 2016|date=1 May 2009}}</ref>