National Football League: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 1:
{{Infopolje Športna liga
| title = National Football League
| current_season = Sezona 20122017 lige NFL
| logo = [[Slika:National Football League 2008.svg|200px]]
| sport = Ameriški nogomet
Vrstica 11:
| teams = 32
| country = Združene države Amerike
| champion = [[BaltimoreNew RavensEngland Patriots]] (25. naslov)
| most_champs =[[Green Bay Packers]]<ref name=championships>{{cite web | url= | title=Team histories: Green Bay Packers | publisher=Pro Football Hall of Fame | accessdate=4.6.2012 | quote=The franchise has claimed a record 13 NFL championships including four Super Bowl titles.}}</ref> (13<ref>{{cite news | url= | title=Packers win beat Pittsburgh Steelers to win Super Bowl XLV | publisher=Fox Sports | agency =Associated Press | date=6.2.2011 | accessdate=4.6.2012 | quote=[Aaron Rodgers] extended the Packers' record of NFL titles to 13, nine before the Super Bowl era.}}</ref>&nbsp;naslovov)
| website = []
| TV = [[NFL on CBS|CBS]]<br />[[NFL on Fox|Fox]]<br />[[NBC Sunday Night Football|NBC]]<br />[[Monday Night Football|ESPN]]<br />[[Thursday Night Football|NFL Network]]
'''National Football League''' (kratica '''NFL''', sl. ''Narodna nogometna liga'') je najvišja stopnja poklicnega [[ameriški nogomet|ameriškega nogometa]] v ZDA in v svetovnem merilu. Trwnutni prvaki (2017) so New England Patriotsi<ref>{{cite book | title=Sports capitalism: the foreign business of American professional leagues | first=Frank P. | last=Jozsa | publisher=Ashgate Publishing | year=2004 | isbn=978-0-7546-4185-8 | page=270 | quote=Since 1922, [the NFL] has been the top professional sports league in the world with respect to American football}}</ref> Nastala je leta 1920 z zvezo enajstih ekip pod imenom '''American Professional Football Association''' (sl. ''Ameriška poklicna nogometna zveza''), ki je dve leti kasneje prevzela sedanje ime. Trenutno jo sestavlja 32 ekip iz ZDA, ki so enakomerno razdeljene na [[Ameriška nogometna konferenca|Ameriško nogometno konferenco]] (AFC) in [[Narodna nogometna konferenca|Narodno nogometno konferenco]] (NFC). V vsaki konferenci so štiri divizije s po štirimi ekipami (skupno 16 ekip na konferenco).
== Trenutne ekipe ==