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Vrstica 76:
Knjižna omara je pohištvo, namenjeno shranjevanju knjig. Sestavljena je iz knjižnih polic, na katere položimo ali postavimo knjige. Predhodnica knjižne omare je posebna zaprta omara imenovana '''amaria,''' v kateri so shranjevali zvitke. Ko so se začeli uveljavljati kodeksi, so te začeli shranjevati v skrinjah ali v posebnih nišah obloženim z lesom, kateri je ščitil vsebino pred vlago. V skrinje so začeli nameščati pregrade, da se knjige nebi zmešale. Ko pa so te skrinje postavili pokonci, je nastala knjižna omara. V armariah so knjige zaradi majhnega števila še ležale. Ko pa je število knjig začelo naraščati, so jih začeli postavljati pokonci (konec renesanse), zaradi njihove vrednosti pa so jih priklenili na verigo in povezali s knjižno omaro. Blizu je bil obvezen bralni pult in okno, zaradi svetlobe. Zaradi verig, ki so pripete na sprednji zgornji del platnice knjige in te še niso imele napisanih avtorjev in naslovov, so bili hrbti knjig obrnjeni stran. V 17. in 18. stoletju pa je povpraševanje po knjigah postalo vedno večje in niso bile več redka in draga vrednost, zato knjige obrnejo hrbet in se osvobodijo verig. Nanje začnejo pisati avtorje in naslov dela. Počasi se začnejo uveljavljati posebne sobe, namenjene branju, to so čitalnice.
Prestiž imetja knjig je prinašal zanimive fenomene, ki jih v Sloveniji nismo poznali do te mere, a so prav tako bili vsaj v določenem smislu pomembni. Kupiti se je dalo omare, ki so bile namenjene le videzu, da so knjižne, omara je bila dejansko napolnjena s policami in kartonastimi platnicami, ki so dajale videz polne omare. V kontrast temu so nekateri kupovali knjige na metre. Cilj je nakup zbirke poznano kvalitetnih knjig, katere bi obogatile prav vsako gospodinjstvo ali hišo. Četudi so zbirke bile namenjene izboljšati, utrditi in oplemenititi bralce, so nekatere bile skorajda nedotaknjene.
== Identification and classification ==
During the 20th century, [[librarian]]s were concerned about keeping track of the many books being added yearly to the [[Gutenberg Galaxy]]. Through a global society called the [[International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions]] (IFLA), they devised a series of tools including the [[International Standard Bibliographic Description]] (ISBD).
[[File:ISBN.JPG|thumb|left|[[ISBN]] with [[barcode]]]]
Each book is specified by an International Standard Book Number, or [[ISBN]], which is unique to every edition of every book produced by participating publishers, worldwide. It is managed by the <nowiki>ISBN</nowiki> Society. An ISBN has four parts: the first part is the country code, the second the [[publisher]] code, and the third the title code. The last part is a [[check digit]], and can take values from 0–9 and X (10). The [[European Article Number|EAN]] [[Barcode]]s numbers for books are derived from the ISBN by prefixing 978, for [[Bookland]], and calculating a new check digit.
Commercial publishers in industrialized countries generally assign ISBNs to their books, so buyers may presume that the ISBN is part of a total international system, with no exceptions. However, many government publishers, in industrial as well as developing countries, do not participate fully in the ISBN system, and publish books which do not have ISBNs.
A large or public collection requires a [[Library catalog|catalogue]]. Codes called "call numbers" relate the books to the catalogue, and determine their locations on the shelves. Call numbers are based on a [[Library classification]] system. The call number is placed on the spine of the book, normally a short distance before the bottom, and inside.
Institutional or national standards, such as [[American National Standards Institute|ANSI]]/[[NISO]] Z39.41 - 1997, establish the correct way to place information (such as the [[title (publishing)|title]], or the name of the author) on book spines, and on "shelvable" book-like objects, such as containers for [[DVD]]s, [[video tape]]s and [[software]].
[[File:SanDiegoCityCollegeLearningResource - bookshelf.jpg|thumb|right|Books on library shelves with [[bookend]]s, and call numbers visible on the spines]]
One of the earliest and most widely known systems of cataloguing books is the [[Dewey Decimal Classification|Dewey Decimal System]]. Another widely known system is the [[Library of Congress Classification]] system. Both systems are biased towards subjects which were well represented in US libraries when they were developed, and hence have problems handling new subjects, such as computing, or subjects relating to other cultures.{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}}
Information about books and authors can be stored in databases like [[online general-interest book database]]s.
[[Metadata]] about a book may include its ISBN or other classification number (see above), the names of contributors (author, editor, illustrator) and publisher, its date and size, and the language of the text.
== Uporaba in trgovanje knjige ==