Afganistan: Razlika med redakcijama

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m Bot: de:Afghanistan je dober članek
m v delu - demografija
Vrstica 1:
{{v delu}}
{{Infopolje Država|
|native_name = د افغانستان اسلامي جمهوریت<br />''Da Afġānistān Islāmī jomhoriyat''<br /> جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان'''<br />'''''Jamhorīyē Eslāmī-ye Afġānistān''
Vrstica 9 ⟶ 10:
|image_map = Afghanistan in its region.svg
|national_motto =
|national_anthem = ''[[Suroudi Milli]]''<br /><center>[[File:National anthem of Afghanistan.ogg]]</center>
|official_languages = [[paštunščina]], [[perzijščina]] ([[dari]])
|capital = [[Kabul]]
Vrstica 76 ⟶ 77:
== Gospodarstvo ==
Čeprav je v Afganistanu samo 12 % površja primernega za obdelovanje, se 85 % Afganistancev ukvarja s [[kmetijstvo]]m. To je v glavnem ob rekah, vendar so si zgradili podzemne kanale, s pomočjo katerih namakajo obdelovalne površine. Večinoma se preživljajo s [[poljedeljstvopoljedelstvo|poljedelstvom]], vendar jih ogroža množica povsod prisotnih [[mina|min]]. V glavnem pridelujejo [[žito]], [[zelenjava|zelenjavo]], [[oreh]]e, bombaž ter nekaj [[sadje|sadja]]. Afganistanci izvažajo tudi kože [[karakulske ovce|karakulskih ovc]]. Država ima slabo razvito [[industrija|industrijo]]. Veliko je delavnic za izdelavo [[Preproga|preprog]], kožuhov in [[vezaninavezenina|vezenine]]. Pomemben je tudi [[zemeljski plin]], ki ga v glavnem izvažajo v [[Rusija|Rusijo]] po [[plinovod]]u. Gospodarstvo je še dodatno prizadeto zaradi vojn.
Pomembna dejavnost je gojenje [[mak]]a, kar so sosednje države večkrat neuspešno poskusile prepovedati. Tihotapljenje in predelava makovih stebel, ki se uporablja za izdelavo [[opij]]a, prinaša večino dobička revnejšim vasem. Pomembni so tudi nasadi [[bombaž]]a. Najbolj razvita živinorejska panoga je [[ovčjerejaovčereja]]. Iz [[volna|volne]] pletejo oblačila, veliko jo uporabijo tudi za izdelovanje [[preproga|preprog]]. Izdelovalke so skromno plačane, več zaslužijo trgovci, ki preproge prodajajo.
Prometne zveze so slabo razvite. Asfaltirane ceste so le okrog večjih mest, vendar so tudi te uničene zaradi vojn. Celo glavni prelaz, ki pelje iz [[Kabul]]a v [[Pešavar]] v [[Pakistan]]u in nato v [[Indija|Indijo]], je vklesan v skale. Po njem hodijo vse karavane trgovcev, beguncev in tihotapcev. V preteklosti ga je prečkala tudi vojska [[Aleksander Veliki|Aleksandra Velikega]]. S svetom je Afganistan povezan z enim mednarodnim [[letališče]]m.
Vrstica 85 ⟶ 86:
V Afganistanu že nekaj desetletij ni bil izveden [[popis prebivalstva]], zato točnih podatkov o številu prebivalstva ni. Ocene o številu prebivalstva se gibljejo okoli 26,81 milijonov. Od teh je največ [[Paštunci|Paštunov]] (40 %), nato [[Tadžiki|Tadžikov]] (25 %), sledijo jim [[Hazari]] (19 %) ter ostale manjše narodnostne skupine. Vsako pleme ima svoje navade in jezik, zato je težko govoriti o državni enotnosti. Tudi v bodoče bo težko ustvariti enotno državo, ker še vedno divjajo medsebojni plemenski spori. Edina skupna točka je vera. Plemena so tudi značajsko zelo raznolika. Paštuni so zelo bojeviti, roparji in uživajo nad boji med živalmi, po veri so muslimanski [[suniti]]. Suniti so tudi Tadžiki., ki so pa med vsemi Afganistanci najbolj izobraženi. Hazari so [[Mongolija|mongolski narod]] in so po veri muslimanski [[šiiti]]. Prav zaradi vere so jih in jih še [[Talibani|Talibi]] močno pobijajo. Danes so mesta razdejana. Nekdaj so v mestih živeli bogati in premožni meščani, ki so v parkih imeli celo bazene. Večina prebivalcev je bila revna, in so živeli v hišah narejenih iz blata. Danes so razmere popolnoma drugačne, povsod vlada strah, revščina in bolezni. Ljudje živijo v [[šotor]]ih. Zdravstvo in šolstvo ni urejeno. Kljub temu da sta uradna jezika paštunski in darijski, je v rabi še mnogo drugih jezikov, ki jih uporabljajo manjša plemena.
{{Largest cities
| name = Največja mesta v Afganistanu
| country = Afganistan
| stat_ref = {{small|2010-11 ocena<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Table 2-2: Settled Population by Province-2010-2011|format=PDF|publisher=Central Statistics Office|date=2011|accessdate=April 4, 2012}}</ref>}}
| list_by_pop = <!-- link to the list of cities in the given country, if possible sorted by population -->
| class = nav
| div_name = Provinca
| div_link = <!-- the template will automatically create a link for "div_name of country" (e.g. Provinces of Chile), if this doesn't work you can use this field -->
| city_1 = Kabul | div_1 = Kabul Province | pop_1 = 3.071.400 | img_1 = Section of Kabul in October 2011.jpg
| city_2 = Kandahar | div_2 = Kandahar Province | pop_2 = 512.000 | img_2 = Aerial view of a section of Kandahar in 2013.jpg
| city_3 = Herat | div_3 = Herat Province | pop_3 = 397,456 | img_3 = View of Herat in 2009.jpg
| city_4 = Mazar-i-Sharif | div_4 = Balkh Province | pop_4 = 375.000 | img_4 = Nowruz in northern Afghanistan-2011.jpg
| city_5 = Jalalabad | div_5 = Nangarhar Province | pop_5 = 205.423 |
| city_6 = Lashkar Gar | div_6 = Helmand Province | pop_6 = 201.546 |
| city_7 = Taloqan | div_7 = Takhar Province | pop_7 = 196.400 |
| city_8 = Khost | div_8 = Khost Province | pop_8 = 160.214 |
| city_9 = Sheberghan | div_9 = Jowzjan Province | pop_9 = 148.329 |
| city_10 = Ghazni | div_10 = Ghazni Province | pop_10 = 141.000 |
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:65%; float:center;"
|+Etnične skupine v Afganistanu
! style="background:#ddf; width:10%;"|Etnična skupina
! style="background:#ddf; width:10%;"|Fotografija
! style="background:#ddf; width:15%;"|{{small|Ocena v [[The World Factbook|World Factbook]] / [[Library of Congress Country Studies]] (2004–danes)}}<ref name="LoC-pdf"/><ref name="CIA-Ethnic-groups">{{cite web |author= |url= |title=Ethnic groups |work=The World Factbook |publisher=CIA |accessdate=18 September 2010|archiveurl=|archivedate=2013-10-14}}</ref>
! style="background:#ddf; width:15%;"|{{small|Ocena v World Factbook / Library of Congress Country Studies (pre-2004)}}<ref name="CIA-1991">{{cite web |url= |title=Afghanistan |work=The World Factbook/Central Intelligence Agency |publisher=[[University of Missouri]] |date=15 October 1991 |accessdate=20 March 2011 |archiveurl= |archivedate=27 April 2011 <!--DASHBot--> |deadurl=no}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Ethnic divisions |work=The World Factbook/CIA |publisher=[[University of Missouri]] |date=22 January 1993 |accessdate=16 October 2010}}</ref><ref name="LoC-Ethnic-Groups">{{cite web |url= |title=Ethnic Groups |publisher=Library of Congress Country Studies |year=1997 |accessdate=8 October 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Ethnic groups: |work=The World Factbook/CIA |publisher=University of Missouri |year=2003 |accessdate=18 September 2010}}</ref>
| [[Paštunci]]
| [[File:Khost children in 2010.jpg|150px|Pashtun children in Khost]]
| align=center|42%
| align=center|38–50%
| [[Tadžiki]]
| [[File:Afghan children in Badakhshan Province-2012.jpg|150px|Tajik children in Khowahan district of Badakhshan]]
| align=center|27%
| align=center|26% (1% od tega so [[Qizilbash]])
| [[Hazari]]
| [[File:Hazara people from central Afghanistan.jpg|150px|Hazarai v provinxi Daykund]]
| align=center|9%
| align=center|10–19%
| [[Uzbeks|Uzbek]]
| [[File:Uzbek looking boy in northern Afghanistan.jpg|150px|Uzbek looking boy in northern Afghanistan]]
| align=center|9%
| align=center|6–8%
| [[Aimaq people|Aimaq]]
| align=center|4%
| align=center|500.000 to 800.000
| [[Turkmen people|Turkmen]]
| align=center|3%
| align=center|2,5%
| [[Baloch people|Baloch]]
| [[File:Men in Zaranj-cropped.jpg|150px|Camera focusing on Baloch]]
| align=center|2%
| align=center|100.000
| Ostali ([[Pashayi people|Pashayi]], [[Nuristani people|Nuristani]], [[History of Arabs in Afghanistan|Arab]], [[Brahui people|Brahui]], [[Pamiri people|Pamiri]], [[Gurjar]], etc.)
| [[File:Young Pashai man with flowers in his hair.jpg|150px|Young Pashai man]]
| align=center|4%
| align=center|6,9%
Ocene 2004–danes v zgornji tabeli so narejene na podlagi zadnjih nacionalnih javnomnenjskih raziskav katerih cilj je bil izvedeti kaj skupina prebivalcev Afganistana meni o vojni, politični situaciji, kot tudi o ekonomskih in socialnih zadevah, ki vplivajo na njihovo vsakdanje. Sedem od teh anket je med leti 2004 do 2012 izvedlo [[The Asia Foundation|Asia Foundation]] in ena med 2004 do 2009 so skupno skupaj izvedli [[NBC News]], [[BBC]] in [[ARD]].<ref name="AsiaFoundation">Glej:
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2012&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |pages=181–182 |quote=''Appendix 1: Target Demographics 181... Pashtun 40%, Tajik 33%, Uzbek 9%, Hazara 11%, Turkmen 2%, Baloch 1%, Nuristani 1%, Aimak 1%, Arab 2%'', Pashaye 1%, [[Sayyid|Sadat]] 1%'' |publisher=[[The Asia Foundation]] |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |accessdate=28 November 2012}}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2011&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |page=251 |quote=''15. Appendix 3: Interview Questionnaire... D-10. Which ethnic group do you belong to? SINGLE RESPONSE ONLY Pashtun 41%, Tajik 32%, Uzbek 9%, Hazara 11%, Turkmen 2%, Baloch 1%, Nuristani 1%, Aimak 1%, Arab 1%'', [[Sayyid|Sadat]] 1%'' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |accessdate=13 November 2012|archiveurl= |archivedate=2013-09-18 }}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2010&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |pages=225–226 |quote=''D-9. Which ethnic group do you belong to? SINGLE RESPONSE ONLY Pashtun 42%, Tajik 31%, Uzbek 9%, Hazara 10%, Turkmen 2%, Baloch 1%, Nuristani 1%, Aimak 2%, Arab 2%'' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |year=2010 |accessdate=20 March 2011|archiveurl= |archivedate=2013-07-26 }}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2009: A Survey of the Afghan People |quote='''The 2009 survey interviewed 6,406 Afghans (53% men and 47% women)''' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |accessdate=28 November 2012|archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-09-07 }}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2010&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |quote='''The 2008 survey interviewed 6,593 Afghans...''' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |accessdate=28 November 2012|archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-09-05 }}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2007&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |pages=225–226 |quote='''The 2007 survey interviewed 6,406 Afghans''', ''Which ethnic group do you belong to? SINGLE RESPONSE ONLY Pashtun 40%, Tajik 35%, Uzbek 8%, Hazara 10%, Turkmen 3%, Baloch 1%, Nuristani 1%, Aimak 1%, Arab 1%'' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |year=2010 |accessdate=20 March 2011|archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-12-01 }}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2006&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |pages=83–88 |quote=''A total of 6,226 respondents were surveyed in the study, out of which 4888 (78.5%) were from the rural areas and 1338 (22%) were from the urban areas. Ethnicity: Pashtun 40.9, Tajik 37.1, Uzbek 9.2, Hazara 9.2, Turkmen 1.7, Baloch 0.5, Nuristani 0.4, Aimak 0.1, Arab 0.7, Pashayi 0.3'' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |accessdate=28 November 2012|archiveurl= |archivedate=2013-12-31 }}
* {{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=Afghanistan in 2004&nbsp;– A survey of the Afghan people |quote='''The 2004 survey interviewed 804 Afghans''', ''Which ethnic group do you belong to? Pashtun 46%, Tajik 39%, Uzbek 6%, Hazara 6%, Turkmen 1%, Baloch 0%, Nuristani 1%, Aimak 0%, Arab 1%, Pashaye 0%, Other 1%.'' |publisher=The Asia Foundation |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |year=2004 |accessdate=28 November 2012|archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-09-06 }}
</ref><ref name="ABCBBCARD">{{cite web |url= |format=PDF |title=ABC NEWS/BBC/ARD poll&nbsp;– Afghanistan: Where Things Stand |pages=38–40 |publisher=ABC News |location=Kabul, Afghanistan |accessdate=29 October 2010|archiveurl= |archivedate=2013-07-26 }}</ref>
== Naravne in kulturne znamenitosti ==
Dežela je zanimiva za pustolovce. Posebne kulturne znamenitosti so težko dostopne. Ve se pa, da so Talibi razstrelili dva ogromna [[Buda|Budova]] spomenika, ki sta bila vklesana v skalnato goro.{{navedi vir}}
== Simboli ==
Vrstica 92 ⟶ 171:
== Sklici in opombe ==
== Viri ==