Wikipedija:Vizualni urejevalnik: Razlika med redakcijama

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mBrez povzetka urejanja
Vrstica 34:
Trenutne omejitve vključujejo: <!-- Listed roughly in order of impact -->
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* '''Počasno nalagnje''' - Daljše in kompleksnejše strani se v VisualEditorju nalagajo dalj časa. V prihodnosti bo programska oprema precej hitrejša in bo dovoljevala nalaganje daljših strani. Hitrost je najbolj odvisna od hitrosti vašega računalnika.
* '''Počasnost''' - Loading longer pages into VisualEditor takes more time than the old wikitext editor, although this has improved significantly.<ref>Pages for which VisualEditor is an option carry roughly 2% more Javascript, which is about 0.5% of the total page load. Furthermore, this only has to be loaded once and is cached for use on all pages (until your cache expires, usually once a week).</ref> Large articles may take 15 seconds or so to load. Pages can take a long time to respond to attempted scrolling. Speed depends primarily on the speed of your computer.
* '''Samo članki in uporabniške strani''' – VisualEditor isbo onlyomogočen enabledle forza thečlanke article andin useruporabniške namespacesstrani (thetako latterda allowslahko editorsspreminjate topeskovnik makena changessvojih inuporabniških a personal sandboxstraneh). InSčasoma time,bomo VEzgradili willspecializirana includeorodja theza specialisedurejanje editingza tools needed for nonne-article pagesčlanke, buttoda thetrenutno developerse focusosredotočamo hasna been on articlesčlanke. Na Ondrugih pagesstraneh otherbo than those in the article and user namespaces, thezavihek "EditUredi" buttonurejevalcem willponudil takeurejanje editorsv toklasičnem the old (wikitext)wikitekst editorurejevalniku.
* '''Omejena podpora spletnim brskalnikom''' – Trenutno VisualEditor currentlydeluje worksla onlyna innajnovejših theverzijah most modern versions ofbrskalnikov Firefox, Chrome andin Safari. ANe volunteerdeluje isna workingzelo onstarih Operaverzijah supportomenjenih brskalnikov, andin thene developersdeluje aimv toOpera, havečeprav supportprostovoljec fordeluje thena latestpodpori versionsOpera ofbrskalnika. Internet Explorer oncetrenutno theyne releasedeluje, VisualEditortoda trudimo se podpreti zadnje verzije IE-ja pred splošno vključitvijo VisualEditorja za moreširše widelyobčinstvo.
* '''Ne podpira različnih kož z izjemama Vector in Monobook'''. []
* '''Omejitev urejanja posameznega poglavja.''' VisualEditor loads and submits only entire pages.
* '''Nepopolna funkcionalnost urejanja''' – TheNekateri content of someelementi "complexzapletenejšega" formatting,formatiranja includingse tablesbodo andprikazali definitionin lists, will displayvam anddovolili canurejanje besvoje editedvsebine, butne editorsbodo usingpa VEdovolili cannotuporabnikom modifyurediti thesvoje structuresstrukture orali adddodajanja newnovih entries,podatkov such- askot anso additionalto rowtabele forin a tableseznami. Adding features in thisDodajanje areafunkcionalnosti isna onetem ofpodročju theje developers'naša prioritiesprioriteta.
* '''Relativno šibka podpora sklicevanju''' (albeit getting better), especially if you're used to English Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:RefToolbar|references toolbar]] which is optimized for the citation templates used here and still much better than VisualEditor's built-in functionality.
* '''Ni omogočeno kopiraj-prilepi iz ene strani v drugo stran brez izgube poševne, poudarjene povezave, wikipovezav in drugih označevalcev.'''. In particular, footnotes and templates cannot be copy-pasted. Adding this functionality is a high-priority enhancement.
* '''Nenavaden-izgled''' – TheTrenutno developersse are currently struggling withtrudimo, makingda thebi HTML, thatki VEga producespišemo, lookizgledal likepodobno whatkot editorsste arebili usedvajeni todo seeingsedaj, sozato stylinglahko andstil soin onpodobno mayvčasih lookizgleda a littlemalo (orali evencelo veryzelo) oddnenavadno. DeveloperTemu timeposvečamo isčedalje beingveč spentčasa, ontoda improvingtrenutno this,je butnaš theirglavni focuscilj remainszagotoviti onpravilno ensuringdelovanje thatVisualEditorja, VisualEditortako doesda notle-ta alterne wikitextkvari unexpectedlywikibesedila.
* '''Skriti komentarji niso vidni''' – Users using VisualEditor cannot view hidden comments, which often contain notes that are helpful in editing specific sections of articles.
* '''Predloge znotraj predloge''' - (e.g. <code><nowiki>{{Template1|{{Template2}}}}</nowiki></code>) Unlike the Visual Mode editor of [[Wikia]], which will be disabled if a template is containing another template, VisualEditor of Wikimedia allows such usage and will display the preview properly. The only problem is that the template within can only be used in the source mode style, meaning you need to write the full source code of the inner template manually in the parameter entry window of the outer template.
* '''Besedilo povezave se včasi uredi nepravilno'''. Attempts to edit the first letter or letters of visible link text result in this being placed outside the link
Zaradi omejitev in hroščev priporočamo, da VE uporabniki pred shranitvijo strani kliknejo na "Prikaži predlogled" in [[Wikipedija:VisualEditor/Feedback|poročajo]] o kateremkoli problemu na katerega so naleteli.
Because of these limitations and the many remaining bugs in VisualEditor, the developers recommend that VE users click "Review your changes" before saving a page, and [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor/Feedback|report]] any problems they see.
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