Marjan Tomšič: Razlika med redakcijama

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Milan48 (pogovor | prispevki)
Milan48 (pogovor | prispevki)
Vrstica 472:
Ti pa kar greš (And You Simply Go, autobiographic novel), Ljubljana, Borec 1987
Kafra (Camphor, autobiographic novel), Ljubljana KG 1988
Šavrinke (Istrian Costerwomen, archaic Istria), Ljubljana, KG 1986; and 2nd revised version: KG, 1999
Oštrigeca (Whatwizardry, novel about the magic Istria), Ljubljana, Mladika 1991
Zrno od frmentona (Corn Grain, post-war Istria), Ljubljana, CZ 1993
Ognjeni žar (Love Ardour, love story), Ljubljana, Mihelač 1994
Vrnitev (Come-Back, socially critical novel), Maribor, Obzorja 1998
Škatlarji – Box People (satirical novel), Ljubljana, Prešernova družba 1999
Norček – A Fool (fairy novel), Ljubljana, KG 1996
Grenko morje – Bitter Sea (a novel on Alexandria women), Ljubljana, KZ, 2002
Youth Literature, Stories for Children and Youth
Vrstica 498:
Radio plays
Kocka (Cube), Radio Koper-Capodistria, performed in 1977
Saj ni res (Come on!), Radio C-K, performed in 1983
Trije (The Three), Radio C-K, performed in 1984
Ključ (The Key), Radio C-K, performed in 1987
Štiglica - Radio Ljubljana, performed in 1989
Jezus Križani (Jesus the Crucified), Radio C-K, performed in 1992
Nihalce, nihalce (Pendulum, pendulum, a humoresque), Radio C-K, performed in 1992
Salto mortale (a humoresque), Radio Koper-Capodistria, performed in 1993
Vrstica 519:
Scenarios for short cartoons*:
Močvirje (Marsh), amateur film: Cartoon Studio Izola (Academy of Drama and Film in Ljubljana - ADF), 1973
Agonija (Agony, amateur feature film), Cartoon Studio Izola 1974
Močvirje (Swamp), Viba film 1976/77
Student (co-author), Viba film, 1975
Prehitevanje (Overtaking, co-author), Viba film, 1976
Vrata (The Door), Viba film, 1978
Gor (Up), Viba film, 1978
Kokan, Viba film, 1979
Epidemija (Epidemic), Viba film, 1982
Komar (Mosquito), Viba film, 1982
Grič (Hill), Viba film, 1982
Amorček (Little Cupid), Viba film, 1982
Znanstvenik (Scientist), Viba film, 1982
Na zeleni veji (On the Green Branch), Viba film, 1982
Vsiljivec (Intruder), Viba film, 1983
Kamen (Stone), Viba film, 1984
Kače (Snakes, Egg, Gordian Knot, Projection, Adam and Eve, Zip), Viba film, 1986/87
Večerja (Dinner, idea for a short cartoon), 2000
Vrstica 543:
Drama, Theatre Performances*
Pločevina - Tin, drama, 1960
Reka - River, drama, 1992
Jezus Križani - Jesus the Crucified, TV drama, 1995
Toti kufer – This Gripsack, TV drama, 1995
Oštrigeca - Whatwizardry, film scenario, 1996
Bušca jes, bužec on – I Poor Thing, He Poor Thing, monocomedy, 1997
Humbala Tata, satire, 1997
Jesus Crucified, drama, 1998
Južič and Juča, comedy, 1998
Šandrinke, drama, 2000
Aleksandrinke, drama, 2001
Reviews, essays, portrays by Marjan Tomšič:
Vrstica 562:
- Dimitrij Kralj, Primorska srečanja, Koper 1995
- Alojz Kocjančič, Kubejski zbornik 1998
- Literatura na pragu novega tisočletja (Literature at the Threshold of a New Era),Sodobnost, Ljubljana 12/99,
Sodobnost, Ljubljana 12/99,
- Jože Pohlen, A Traveller's Portrait, Primorska srečanja, Koper 2001
Vrstica 570 ⟶ 569:
Translated and published works:
Oštrigeca - Whatwizardry (novel), Hermagoras Publisher, Klagenfurt, 1995, translated into German by Hemma Schaar and Maria Sitter
translated into German by Hemma Schaar and Maria Sitter
Šavrinke - Costerwomen (novel), Editor Annales Koper 1997, translated by Diomira Fabjan-Bajc
Vrstica 577 ⟶ 575:
Translated works yet to be published
Šavrinke - Savrinkorna (novel), translated to Swedish by Boris Jericijo
- Oštrigeca - WHATWIZARDRY (novel), translated into English by Anne Čeh
(Norček - LE FOU (fairy novel), translated into French)
Jezus križani - Jesus the Crucified (radio drama), translated to Italian by Giuseppe Trani
Giuseppe Trani
Radiacija pa silovito narašča (novel) - Radiazioni in vertiginoso aumento, translated by Roberto Battelli
Katka in Bunkec - Katka e Bunkec (edition for children), translated by Elena Morando
Prah vesolja - La Poussière de l'Univers, a story from the book with the same title translated in French by the harpist Valentina Hribar; read during her concerts in Geneva and Sion.
Translations in anthologies:
Vilenica 1992, Jesus Crucified from the novelette 'The Radiation Is Violently Increasing', translated in French by Viktor Jesenik, Editor: Veno Taufer, DSP – Association of Slovenian Writers
Vilenica 1995, Jesus Crucified from the novel Šavrinke, translated by Diomira Fabjan-Bajc, Editor: Veno Taufer, DSP
Vrstica 600 ⟶ 597:
Translations and articles published in magazines
LOG, Vienna, Nr. 46/1989: 'Radiation Is Violently Increasing'- Und die Radiation steigt unheimlich an - translated into German by Lev Detela
Monograph Od Kopra do Pirana (From Koper to Piran). "Na vapor" (On a Vaporetto), fragment from Costerwomen, translated in English, German and Italian,
Publisher: MK Ljubljana, 1986