Predloga:Več težav: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
m pp slepa povezava
issue, fix
Vrstica 3:
|doc = no
|subst = <includeonly>{{subst:</includeonly><includeonly>substcheck}}</includeonly>
|class = ambox-multiple_issues compact-ambox
|type = content
|text = <div>'''Ta {{#if:{{{section|}}}
<div style="text-align:left;">'''Ta {{#if:{{{section|}}}
}} ima več problemov'''. Prosim, pomagajte '''[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} ga izboljšati]''' ali pa sodelujte pri razpravi o teh problemih na '''[[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|pogovorni strani]]'''.{{{1|}}}{{#if:{{{BLP unsourced|{{{BLPunsourced|}}}}}}|
|{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
}} ima več problemov'''. Prosim, pomagajte '''[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} ga izboljšati]''' ali pa sodelujte pri razpravi o teh problemih na '''[[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|pogovorni strani]]'''.</div><!--
| name = {{{unreferenced|{{{unref|}}}}}}
| template = Unreferenced
============================================ Veljavnost parametrov
-- Veljavnost parametrov predloge: 1, 2, 3 & 4
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{BLP unsourced|{{{BLPunsourced|}}}}}}
-->{{#if:{{{1|}}}|[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter #1 "{{{1}}}";<br/>...pričakovan enačaj: ''{{{1}}}=y ali {{{1}}}=maj 2011''.<!--
| template = BLP unsourced
-->{{#if:{{{2|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter #2 "{{{2}}}";<br/>...pričakovan enačaj: {{{2}}}=y ali {{{2}}}=maj 2011.<!--
}}{{#if:{{{BLP sources|{{{BLPsources|}}}}}}|
-->{{#if:{{{3|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter #3 "{{{3}}}";<br/>...pričakovan enačaj: {{{3}}}=y ali {{{3}}}=maj 2011.<!--
|{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
-->{{#if:{{{4|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter #4 "{{{4}}}";<br/>...pričakovan enačaj: {{{4}}}=y ali {{{4}}}=maj 2011.}}}}}}}}<!--
| name = {{{refimprove|}}}
| template = Refimprove
-- Validate upper-case parameters: Notable, Peacock, etc.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
-->{{#if:{{{Nasprotujoče|}}}|[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Nasprotujoče";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
| name = {{{BLP sources|{{{BLPsources|}}}}}}
-->{{#if:{{{Kritika|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Kritika";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
| template = BLP sources
-->{{#if:{{{Pomembnost|}}}|[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Pomembnost";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
-->{{#if:{{{Pav|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Pav";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
| name = {{{BLP IMDb-only refimprove|{{{BLP IMDB-only refimprove|}}}}}}
-->{{#if:{{{Povzetek|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Povzetek";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
| template = BLP IMDb-only refimprove
-->{{#if:{{{Proza|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Proza";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
-->{{#if:{{{Posodobi|}}}|<br/>[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "Posodobi";<br/>...pričakovane male črke.|}}<!--
| name = {{{BLP IMDb refimprove|{{{BLP IMDB refimprove|}}}}}}
| template = BLP IMDb refimprove
Validate misspelled parameters: criticism, peacocks, dispute, etc.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{citation style|{{{citationstyle|{{{citation-style|}}}}}}}}}
-->{{#if:{{{seznam tabela|}}}|[[Predloga:Več problemov]] vsebuje parameter "seznam tabela"<br/>...expected "seznam v tabelo".|}}<!--
| template = Citation style
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
================================================= Process tags
| name = {{{citecheck|{{{cite check|}}}}}}
| template = Cite check
Unreferenced: by parameter "brezvirov"
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
Unreferenced: by parameter "unreferenced"
| name = {{{more footnotes|}}}
Unreferenced: by parameter "brez virov"
| template = More footnotes
Unreferenced: by parameter "unref"
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{no footnotes|}}}
avtomatsko skrito, če obstaja BŽO brezvirov
| template = No footnotes
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
-->{{#if:{{{BŽO brezvirov|{{{BŽObrezvirov|}}}}}}||
| name = {{{one source|{{{onesource|}}}}}}
{{Več problemov/message
| template = One source
| name = {{{brezvirov|{{{brez virov|}}}}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| message = '''Članek ne [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov|navaja]] nobenega [[Wikipedija:Preverljivost|medbesedilnega sklica ali vira]]'''. Prosimo, podprite trditve z [[WP:PVIRI|zanesljivimi viri]].
| name = {{{primary sources|{{{primarysources|}}}}}}
| cat = Z viri nezadostno podprti članki
| template = Primary sources
<!--| cat-date = Articles needing additional references-->
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = brezvirov
| name = {{{unreliable sources|{{{unreliable|}}}}}}
| template = Unreliable sources
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
BLP unsourced, BLPunsourced, BŽO brezvirov
| name = {{{abbreviations|}}}
| template = Abbreviations
additional synonyms here must be added above at unreferenced, too.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{BŽO brezvirov|{{{BŽObrezvirov|}}}}}}
| message = Ta '''[[Wikipedija:Biografije živečih oseb|biografija živeče osebe]] ne [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov|navaja]] nobenega [[Wikipedija:Preverljivost|medbesedilnega sklica ali vira]]'''. Prosimo, podprite trditve z [[WP:PVIRI|zanesljivimi viri]].
| cat = BŽO brez virov
<!--| cat-date = Unreferenced BLPs-->
| id = BŽO_brezvirov
refimprove, izboljšajref
avtomatsko skrito, če obstaja BŽO izboljšajref
-->{{#if:{{{BŽO izboljšajref|{{{BŽO viri|}}}}}}||
{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{izboljšajref|}}}
| message = Zaradi [[Wikipedija:Preverljivost|preverljivosti]] potrebuje '''dodatne [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov#Sprotni navedki|medbesedilne sklice]].'''.
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo dodatne sklice
<!--| cat-date = Articles needing additional references-->
| id = izboljšajref
BLPsources, BŽO viri
BLPsources, BŽO izboljšajref
additional synonyms here must be added above at refimprove, too.
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{BŽO izboljšajref|{{{BŽO viri|}}}}}}
| message = Zaradi [[Wikipedija:Preverljivost|preverljivosti]] potrebuje ta '''[[Wikipedija:Biografije živečih oseb|biografija živeče osebe]] dodatne [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov#Sprotni navedki|medbesedilne sklice]].'''
| cat = BŽO članki, ki potrebujejo dodatne sklice
<!--| cat-date = BLP articles lacking sources-->
<!--| cat-date1 = Articles lacking reliable references-->
| id = BŽO_izboljšajref
BLP IMDb-only refimprove, BŽO samo-IMDb izboljšajref
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{BŽO samo-IMDb izboljšajref|{{{BŽO samo-IMDB izboljšajref|}}}}}}
| message = '''Edini vir je [[IMDb]]''', ki ni zanesljiv vir biografskih informacij. <small>Prosimo pomagajte [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} izboljšati ta članek] z [[WP:PVIRI|zanesljivimi viri]].</small>
| cat = Članki, ki vsebujejo samo sklice na IMDb
<!--| cat-date = Articles sourced only by IMDb-->
| id = BŽO_samo-IMDb_izboljšajref
BLP IMDb refimprove, BŽO IMDb izboljšajref
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{BŽO IMDb izboljšajref|{{{BŽO IMDB izboljšajref|}}}}}}
| message = '''Vključuje sklice na [[IMDb]]''', ki ni zanesljiv vir biografskih informacij. <small>Prosimo pomagajte [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} izboljšati ta članek] z [[WP:PVIRI|zanesljivimi viri]].</small>
| cat-date = Članki s sklici na IMDb
<!--| cat-date = Articles sourced by IMDb-->
| id = BŽO_IMDb_izboljšajref
citation style, slog navajanja
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{slog navajanja|{{{slognavajanja|{{{slog-navajanja|}}}}}}}}}
| message = '''Vsebuje nejasen slog navajanja'''. Uporabljene medbesedilne sklice lahko narediš bolj pregledne z drugim oz. [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov#Slog navajanja|enotnim slogom navajanja]] znotraj tega članka.
| cat-date = Čiščenje sloga navajanja
| id = slog_navajanja
cite check, preveri navajanje
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{preveri navajanje|{{{preverinavajanje|}}}}}}
| message = '''Vsebuje neprimerne ali napačno tolmačene [[WP:NAVEDI|vire oz. medbesedilne sklice]], ki ne [[WP:P|potrjujejo pravilnosti]] besedila'''.
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo zanesljive vire
<!--| cat-date = Articles lacking reliable references-->
| id = preveri_navajanje
no footnotes, brez sklicev
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{brez sklicev|{{{brezsklicev|}}}}}}
| message = Vsebuje [[WP:NAVAJAJ|seznam literature]] ali [[WP:ZP|zunanje povezave]], vendar pa viri ostajajo nejasni, saj mu manjkajo '''[[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov#Sprotni navedki|medbesedilni sklici]].
| cat = Z notranjimi sklici nezadostno podprti članki
<!--| cat-date = Articles lacking in-text citations-->
| id = brez_sklicev
one source, en vir, envir
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{en vir|{{{envir|}}}}}}
| message = '''Opira se samo na [[WP:VIRI|en vir]]'''.
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo dodatne sklice
<!--| cat-date = Articles needing additional references-->
| id = en_vir
primary sources, primarni viri
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{primarni viri|}}}
| message = '''Opira se na [[WP:PRIMARNI|primarne vire]] ali vire, ki so povezani s subjektom''' namesto, da bi se [[Wikipedija:Preverljivost|skliceval]] na neodvisne avtorje ali publikacije iz drugih virov.
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo zanesljive vire
<!--| cat-date = Articles lacking reliable references-->
| id = primarni_viri
unreliable sources, nezanesljivi viri, nezanesljivo
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{nezanesljivi viri|{{{nezanesljivo|}}}}}}
| message = Vsebuje [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov|vire oz. medbesedilne sklice]], ki '''ne ustrezajo smernicam Wikipedije o [[Wikipedija:Zanesljivi viri|zanesljivih virih]]'''.
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo zanesljive vire
<!--| cat-date = Articles lacking reliable references-->
| id = nezanesljivi_viri
abbreviations, kratice, pomanjkljive kratice
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{kratice|{{{pomanjkljive kratice|}}}}}}
| message = '''Uporablja [[kratica|kratice]], ki so [[Wikipedija:Slogovni priročnik#Akronimi in kratice|zapletene oz. dvoumne]].'''
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
| id = kratice
advert, reklama
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{reklama|}}}
| template = Reklama
| message = '''Je napisan kot [[WP:NI|reklama]]''' in potrebuje predelavo z [[Wikipedija:Nepristranskost|vidika nepristranskosti]].
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = Reklamni članki
| name = {{{autobiography|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Articles with a promotional tone-->
| id template = reklamaAutobiography
autobiography, avtobiografija
|date={{Check date|{{{cleanup|}}}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name |demospace= {{{avtobiografijademospace|}}}
| message = Je '''[[Wikipedija:Avtobiografija|avtobiografija]] ali pa je bil članek v veliki meri urejan s strani subjekta ali institucije povezane s to osebo''', zato morda ni v skladu s pravilom [[WP:NS|nepristranskosti]].
| cat = Avtobiografski članki
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Avtobiografski članki-->
| name = {{{cleanup-laundry|{{{laundrylists|{{{laundry|}}}}}}}}}
| id = avtobiografija
| template = Cleanup-laundry
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{cleanup-link rot|{{{linkrot|}}}}}}
cleanup, popravi, slog, uredi
| template = Cleanup-link rot
-->}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{popravicleanup-reorganize|{{{slogrestructure|{{{uredireorganisation|{{{organize|}}}}}}}}}}}}
| template = Cleanup-reorganize
| message = '''Ima pomanjkljiv slog in ne dosega Wikipedijinih [[Wikipedija:Slogovni priročnik|standardov kvalitete]]'''.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni čiščenja
<!--| cat-datename = Articles needing = {{{cleanup-->rewrite|{{{rewrite|}}}}}}
| id template = popraviCleanup-rewrite
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{cleanup-spam|{{{spam|}}}}}}
| template = Cleanup-spam
cleanup-link rot, link rot, linkrot, goli URL, goli url
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{COI|{{{coi|}}}}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| template = COI
| name = {{{goli URL|{{{goli url|}}}}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| message = '''Za [[Wikipedija:Navajanje virov|navajanje virov]] uporablja [[Wikipedija:Goli URL|gole URLje]], ki lahko postanejo [[Wikipedija:Slepa povezava|slepe povezave]]'''. V pomoč so na voljo [[Wikipedija:Predloge za sporočila/Viri za članke#Primeri|predloge]] in [{{fullurl:tools:~dispenser/cgi-bin/|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}&citeweb=on&overwrite=simple&limit=200}} orodje].
| name = {{{colloquial|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup-->
| template = Colloquial
<!--| cat-date1 = Articles needing link rot cleanup-->
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = Članki z golimi URLji
| id name = goli_url{{{confusing|}}}
| template = Confusing
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{context|}}}
cleanup-reorganize, reorganiziraj, preuredi
| template = Context
-->}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{reorganizirajcontradict|{{{preuredi|}}}}}}
| template = Contradict
| message = '''Potrebuje preureditev poglavij''', da bi ustrezal [[Wikipedija:Slogovni priročnik#Poglavja|Wikipedijinim smernicam o poglavjih]].
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing reorganization-->
| name = {{{copy edit|{{{copyedit|}}}}}}
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo preureditev
| idtemplate = Copy = preurediedit
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{criticism section|{{{criticisms|}}}}}}
| template = Criticism section
cleanup-rewrite, predelaj, na novo napiši
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{crystal|}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| template = Crystal
| name = {{{predelaj|{{{na novo napiši|}}}}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| message = '''Potrebuje predelavo v celoti oz. ga je potrebno na novo napisati''', da bi ustrezal Wikipedijinim [[Wikipedija:Slogovni priročnik|standardom kvalitete]].
| name = {{{dead end|{{{deadend|}}}}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing rewrite-->
| template = Dead end
| cat = Članki, ki jih je potrebno na novo napisati
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = predelaj
| name = {{{disputed|}}}
| template = Disputed
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
cleanup-spam, spam, očisti spam, smetenje
| name = {{{essay-like|{{{essay|}}}}}}
| template = Essay-like
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{spam|{{{očisti spam|{{{smetenje|}}}}}}}}}
| name = {{{example farm|{{{examplefarm|}}}}}}
| message = '''Vsebuje [[Wikipedija:Spam|promocijski material in druge vrste smetenja]]'''.
| template = Example farm
<!--| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup-->
<!--| cat-date1 = Wikipedia spam cleanup-->
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo čiščenje spama
| id = spam
COI, konflikt interesov, KOI, koi
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{external links|}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| template = External links
| name = {{{konflikt interesov|{{{KOI|}}}|{{{koi|}}}}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| message = '''Večinski urejevalec je verjetno [[Wikipedija:Konflikt interesov|tesno povezan]] s témo članka.'''
| name = {{{fanpov|{{{fansite|}}}}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest-->
| template = Fanpov
| cat = Članki z možnim konfliktom interesov
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = konflikt_interesov
| name = {{{fiction|}}}
| template = Fiction
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
colloquial, pogovorno
| name = {{{game guide|{{{gameguide|}}}}}}
| template = Game guide
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{pogovorno|}}}
| name = {{{globalize|}}}
| message = '''Vsebuje preveč [[pogovorni izraz|pogovornih]] izrazov, fraz ali besed'''.
| template = Globalize
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
| id name = pogovorno{{{histinfo|}}}
| template = Historical information needed
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{hoax|}}}
confusing, zmedeno
| template = Hoax
-->}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{zmedenohowto|}}}
| template = Howto
| message = '''Za bralce je [[Wikipedija:Pojasni prosim|zmeden oz. nejasen]]'''.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo pojasnitev
| name = {{{inappropriate person|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing clarification-->
| template = Inappropriate person
| id = zmedeno
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{incomplete|}}}
| template = Incomplete
context, kontekst
| demospace = {{{demospace|}}}
-->}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{kontekstin-universe|}}}
| template = In-universe
| message = Za bralce, ki ne poznavajo téme, '''[[Wikipedija:Slogovni_priročnik#Uvodi|uvod]] ne zagotavlja dovolj konteksta (vsebinske skladnosti).
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo kontekst
| name = {{{lead missing|{{{intromissing|}}}}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing context-->
| template = Lead missing
<!--| cat-date1 = Wikipedia introduction cleanup-->
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = kontekst
| name = {{{lead rewrite|{{{introrewrite|}}}}}}
| template = Lead rewrite
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
contradict, nasprotujoče
| name = {{{lead too long|{{{intro length|{{{intro-toolong|}}}}}}}}}
| template = Lead too long
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{nasprotujoče|}}}
| name = {{{lead too short|{{{intro-tooshort|}}}}}}
| message = '''Nasprotuje samemu sebi'''.
| template = Lead too short
| cat = Članki, ki nasprotujejo samim sebi
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Self-contradictory articles-->
| idname = {{{like = nasprotujočeresume|{{{likeresume|}}}}}}
| template = Like resume
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{news release|{{{newsrelease|}}}}}}
copy edit, lektura
| template = News release
-->}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{lekturanotability|{{{copy editnotable|{{{copyedit|}}}}}}}}}
| template = Notability
| message = '''Potrebuje [[Wikipedija:Osnovno lektoriranje|lekturo]] slovnice, vrstnega reda besed, tona ali črkovanja'''.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = Članki, ki potrebujejo lekturo
| name = {{{original research|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing copy edit-->
| template = Original research
| id = lektura
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{orphan|}}}
| template = Orphan
crystal, jasnoviden
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{out of date|}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| template = Out of date
| name = {{{jasnoviden|}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| message = '''Vsebuje nepreverljiva [[Wikipedija:Kaj Wikipedija ni|ugibanja]], spekulativno gradivo ali opisuje dogodke, ki se mogoče niso zgodili'''. <small>Prosimo pomagajte [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} izboljšati ta članek] z odstranitvijo nepreverljive spekulativne vsebine.</small>
| name = {{{overly detailed|{{{fancruft|}}}}}}
<!--| cat = Articles containing predictions or speculation-->
| template = Overly detailed
| cat = Članki, ki vsebujejo predvidevanja
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = jasnoviden
| name = {{{peacock|}}}
| template = Peacock
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
dead end, slepaulica, slepa ulica
| name = {{{plot|}}}
| template = Plot
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{slepa ulica|{{{slepaulica|}}}}}}
| name = {{{POV|{{{NPOV|{{{pov|{{{npov|}}}}}}}}}}}}
| message = '''Za [[WP:ZGRADI|vključitev v enciklopedijo]] potrebuje več [[Wikipedija:Slogovni priročnik/Povezovanje|povezav na druge članke]]'''.
| template = POV
| cat = Članki, ki imalo premalo notranjih povezav
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat1 = Članki, ki potrebujejo wikifikacijo
<!--| cat name = All dead{{{POV-end pagescheck|{{{pov-->check|}}}}}}
| template = POV-check
<!--| cat-date = Dead-end pages-->
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
<!--| cat-date1 = Articles that need to be wikified-->
| id name = slepa_ulica{{{prose|}}}
| template = Prose
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{over-quotation|{{{quote farm|}}}}}}
disputed, vprašljivo
| template = Over-quotation
-->}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{vprašljivorecentism|}}}
| template = Recentism
| message = Its '''factual accuracy is [[Wikipedia:Accuracy dispute|disputed]]'''.
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat = All accuracy disputes
| name = {{{review|}}}
<!--| cat-date = Accuracy disputes-->
| id template = vprašljivoReview
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{sections|}}}
| template = Sections
essay-like, essay, esej, podoben-eseju, podoben eseju
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{self-published|}}}
-->{{Več problemov/message
| template = Self-published
| name = {{{podoben eseju|{{{esej|}}}|{{{podoben-eseju|}}}}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| message = It '''is written like a [[Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not#PUBLISHER|personal reflection or essay]] rather than an encyclopedic description of the subject'''.
| cat name = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga{{{story|}}}
| template = Story
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = podoben_eseju
| name = {{{synthesis|}}}
| template = Synthesis
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
example farm, primeri
| name = {{{technical|{{{jargon|}}}}}}
| template = Technical
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{primeri|}}}
| name = {{{tone|{{{inappropriate tone|}}}}}}
| message = It '''may contain excessive, poor or irrelevant [[Wikipedia:Listcruft|examples]]'''.
| template = Tone
| cat = Articles with too many examples
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| id = primeri
| name = {{{travel guide|{{{travelguide|}}}}}}
| template = Travel guide
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
expert, strokovnjak: this is rather a hack because the field is generally a date, but it may be a subject. Therefore we need to use a date=field as well.
| name = {{{trivia|}}}
| template = Trivia
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{strokovnjak|}}}
| name = {{{unbalanced|}}}
| message = It '''needs attention from an expert on the subject'''. {{#ifeq:{{{expert}}}|y||{{#ifexist:Wikipedia:WikiProject {{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}}|[[Wikipedia:WikiProject {{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}}|WikiProject {{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}}]] {{#ifexist:Portal:{{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}}|or the|may be able to help recruit one.}}|}} {{#ifexist:Portal:{{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}}|[[Portal:{{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}}|{{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}} Portal]] may be able to help recruit one.|}} {{ns0|{{#ifexist:Category:{{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}} articles needing expert attention|[[Category:{{ucfirst:{{{expert}}}}} articles needing expert attention]]|[[Category:Miscellaneous articles needing expert attention]]}}}}}}
| template = Unbalanced
| cat-date = Articles needing expert attention
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| date = {{{datum|}}} <!-- note this parameter is only used by the "expert" message/categories - do not use for others -->
| id name = strokovnjak{{{update|}}}
| template = Update
| demospace = {{{demospace|}}}
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
external links, zunanje povezave
| name = {{{very long|{{{long|{{{verylong|}}}}}}}}}
| template = Very long
-->{{Več problemov/message
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| name = {{{zunanje povezave|}}}
| name = {{{weasel|}}}
| message = Its '''use of [[Wikipedia:external links|external links]] may not follow Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not#Wikipedia is not a mirror or a repository of links, images, or media files|policies or guidelines]]'''.
| template = Weasel
| cat-date = Wikipedia spam cleanup
}}{{Več problemov/message|{{{section|}}}
| cat-date1 = Wikipedia external links cleanup
| id = zunanje_povezave
fanpov, navijač
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{navijač|}}}
| message = It '''may be written from a [[Wikipedia:Fancruft|fan's point of view]], rather than a [[Wikipedia:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]'''.
| cat = All articles with a promotional tone
| cat-date = Articles with a promotional tone
| id = navijač
fiction, fikcija
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{fikcija|}}}
| message = It '''may fail to make a clear distinction between fact and [[Wikipedia:Fiction|fiction]]'''. Please rewrite it according to the [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Writing about fiction|fiction guidelines]].
| cat = All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction
| cat-date = Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction
| id = fikcija
game guide, igralna navodila, igralnanavodila
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{igralna navodila|{{{igralnanavodila|}}}}}}
| message = It '''is written like a [[Wikipedia:GAMEGUIDE|game guide]]''' and may require [[Wikipedia:Cleanup|cleanup]] to meet [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Video games/Article guidelines|guidelines for video game articles]].
| cat = Video games game guide cleanup
| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup
| id = igralna_navodila
globalize, globaliziraj
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{globaliziraj|}}}
| message = It '''may not represent a [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Countering systemic bias|worldwide view]] of the subject'''.
| cat-date = Articles with limited geographic scope
| id = globaliziraj
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{infozgodovina|}}}
| message = It '''lacks [[Wikipedia:Adding historical information|historical information]] on the subject'''. Please help to add material to counter [[WP:systemic bias|systemic bias]] towards recent information.
| cat = Articles lacking historical information
| id = infozgodovina
hoax, potegavščina
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{potegavščina|}}}
| message = Its '''truthfulness has been questioned'''. <small>It is believed that some or all of its content ''might'' constitute a [[Wikipedia:Do not create hoaxes|hoax]].</small>
| cat = Wikipedia suspected hoax articles
| id = potegavščina
howto, navodila
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{navodila|}}}
| message = It '''contains [[Wikipedia:NOTHOWTO|instructions, advice, or how-to content]]'''.
| cat = Articles containing how-to sections
| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup
| id = navodila
inappropriate person, slovnična oseba
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{slovnična oseba|}}}
| message = It '''uses [[grammatical person|{{{2|first-person or second-person}}}]] {{{3|inappropriately}}}'''.
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
| id = slovnična_oseba
incomplete, nepopolno
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{nepopolno|}}}
| message = It '''is incomplete and may require expansion or [[Wikipedia:Cleanup|cleanup]]'''.
| cat = All articles to be expanded
| cat-date = Articles to be expanded
| id = nepopolno
lead missing, uvod manjka, brezuvoda
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{uvod manjka|{{{uvodmanjka|}}}}}}
| message = It '''has no [[WP:LEAD|lead section]]'''.
| cat = Pages missing lead section
| cat-date = Wikipedia introduction cleanup
| id = uvod_manjka
lead rewrite, uvod predelaj, predelaj uvod
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{uvod predelaj|{{{predelaj uvod|}}}}}}
| message = Its '''introduction may need to be rewritten''' to comply with Wikipedia's [[WP:LEAD|lead section guidelines]].
| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup
| cat-date1 = Wikipedia introduction cleanup
| id = uvod_predelaj
lead too long, uvod predolg, predolg uvod
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{uvod predolg|{{{predolg uvod|}}}}}}
| message = Its '''introduction may be [[Wikipedia:Lead#Length|too long]]'''.
| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup
| cat-date1 = Wikipedia introduction cleanup
| id = uvod_predolg
lead too short, uvod prekratek, prekratek uvod
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{uvod prekratek|{{{prekratek uvod|}}}}}}
| message = Its '''[[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Lead section|lead section]] may not adequately [[Wikipedia:summary style|summarize]] its contents'''. Please consider expanding the lead to [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Lead section#Provide an accessible overview|provide an accessible overview]] of the article's key points.
| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup
| cat-date1 = Wikipedia introduction cleanup
| id = uvod_prekratek
like resume, podoben rezimeju
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{podoben rezimeju|}}}
| message = It '''is written [[Wikipedia:Conflict of interest|like a résumé]]'''.
| cat = All articles with a promotional tone
| cat-date = Articles with a promotional tone
| id = podoben_rezimeju
news release, sporočilo za javnost
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{sporočilo za javnost|}}}
| message = It '''reads like a [[WP:NOT#NEWS|news release]]''', or is otherwise written in an overly promotional tone.
| cat = All articles with a promotional tone
| cat-date = Articles with a promotional tone
| id = sporočilo_za_javnost
notability, pomembnost
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{pomembnost|}}}
| message = The '''[[Wikipedia:Notability|notability]] of this {{#if:{{{section|}}}{{{article|}}}<!--
then-->|{{#if:{{{article|}}}|article's subject|{{#if:{{{section|}}}|section's subject}}}}<!--
else-->|article's subject}} is in question'''. If notability cannot be established, it may be {{#if:{{{section|}}}{{{article|}}}<!--
then-->|{{#if:{{{article|}}}|[[Wikipedia:Guide to deletion|listed for deletion]]|{{#if:{{{section|}}}|removed}}}}<!--
else-->|[[Wikipedia:Guide to deletion|listed for deletion]] or removed}}.
| cat-date = Articles with topics of unclear notability
| id = pomembnost
original research, izvirno raziskovanje
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{izvirno raziskovanje|}}}
| message = It '''may contain [[Wikipedia:No original research|original research]]'''.
| cat-date = Articles that may contain original research
| id = izvirno_raziskovanje
do-attempt, orphan, osirotel
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{osirotel|}}}
| message = '''Very few or no other articles [{{fullurl:Special:Whatlinkshere|target={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}&namespace=0}} link to it]'''. Please help [[Help:Link|introduce links]] to this page from other [{{PAGENAMEU}}%22 articles related to it].
| cat = All orphaned articles
| cat-date = Orphaned articles
| id = osirotel
overly detailed, prepodrobno
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{prepodrobno|}}}
| message = It '''may contain an excessive amount of [[WP:IINFO|intricate detail]] that may only interest a specific audience'''.
| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing
| id = prepodrobno
peacock, pav
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{pav|}}}
| message = It '''may contain [[Wikipedia:Avoid peacock terms|wording that merely promotes the subject]] without imparting verifiable information'''.
| cat-date = Articles with peacock terms
| id = pav
plot, povzetek
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{povzetek|}}}
| message = Its plot summary '''may be [[Wikipedia:How to write a plot summary#What to cut|too long]] or [[WP:How to write a plot summary|excessively detailed]]'''.
| cat-date = Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention
| id = povzetek
POV, NPOV, pov, npov, pristransko
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{pristransko|}}}
| message = '''[[Wikipedia:Nepristranskost|Nepristranskost]] je sporna'''.
| cat = Članki vprašljive nepristranskosti
<!--| cat-date = NPOV disputes-->
| id = pristransko
prose, proza
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{proza|}}}
| message = It '''is in a list format that may be better presented using [[prose]]'''.
| cat-date = Articles needing cleanup
| cat-date1 = Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose
| id = proza
over-quotation, preveč navedkov
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{preveč navedkov|}}}
| message = It '''contains [[WP:QUOTE|too many or too lengthy of quotations]] for an encyclopedic entry'''.
| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing
| id = preveč_navedkov
recentism, presodobno
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{presodobno|}}}
| message = It '''may be [[Wikipedia:Recentism|slanted towards recent events]]'''. Please try to keep recent events in historical perspective.
| cat-date = Articles slanted towards recent events
| id = presodobno
review, poročilo
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{poročilo|}}}
| message = It '''reads like a [[WP:NOT#SOAPBOX|review]] rather than an encyclopedic description of the subject'''.
| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing
| id = poročilo
sections, razdelki, poglavja
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{razdelki|{{{poglavja|}}}}}}
| message = It '''should be divided into [[Help:Section|sections]] by topic, to make it more accessible'''. Please help by adding section headings in accordance with Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:HEADINGS|Manual of Style]].
| cat-date = Articles needing sections
| id = razdelki
self-published, samozaložba
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{samozaložba|}}}
| message = It '''may contain improper references to [[WP:SPS|self-published sources]]'''.
| cat-date = Accuracy disputes
| id = samozaložba
story, zgodba
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{zgodba|}}}
| message = It '''reads more like a [[Wikipedia:Neutral point of view|story]] than an encyclopedia entry'''. Please help to introduce a more formal style and remove any personally invested tone.
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
| id = zgodba
synthesis, sinteza
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{sinteza|}}}
| message = It '''may contain [[WP:SYN|previously unpublished synthesis]] of published material that conveys ideas not [[Wikipedia:Verifiability|attributable]] to the original sources'''.
| cat-date = Articles that may contain original research
| id = sinteza
technical, tehnično
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{tehnično|}}}
| message = It '''may be too technical for most readers to understand'''. Please help [[Wikipedia:Make technical articles understandable|make it understandable to non-experts]].
| cat-date = Wikipedia articles that are too technical
| id = tehnično
tone, inappropriate tone, ton, neprimeren ton
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{ton|{{{neprimeren ton|}}}}}}
| message = Its '''[[Wikipedia:TONE|tone]] or style may not reflect the formal tone used on Wikipedia'''.
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
| id = ton
travel guide, potovalni vodič, potovalnivodič
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{potovalni vodič|{{{potovalnivodič|}}}}}}
| message = It '''is written like a [[WP:NOTTRAVEL|travel guide]] rather than an encyclopedic description of the subject'''.
| cat = Članki, ki so potrebni ureditve sloga
<!--| cat-date = Wikipedia articles needing style editing-->
| id = potovalni_vodič
trivia, trivialno
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{trivia||{{{trivialno|}}}}}}
| message = It '''contains [[Wikipedia:Trivia sections|lists of miscellaneous information]] that should be avoided'''. Please [[Wikipedia:Handling trivia#Recommendations for handling trivia|relocate]] any relevant information into appropriate sections or articles.
| cat-date = Articles with trivia sections
| id = trivia
unbalanced, neuravnoteženo
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{neuravnoteženo|}}}
| message = It '''may be [[WP:UNDUE|unbalanced]] towards certain viewpoints'''.
| cat-date = Articles needing more viewpoints
| id = neuravnoteženo
NOT, unencyclopedic, neenciklopedično
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{neenciklopedično|}}}
| message = It '''may contain material [[Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not|not appropriate for an encyclopedia]]'''.
| cat = Articles that may contain unencyclopedic material
| id = neenciklopedično
update, posodobi
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{posodobi|}}}
| message = It '''needs to be [[Wikipedia:Updating information|updated]]'''.
| cat-date = Wikipedia articles in need of updating
| id = posodobi
very long, predolg, dolg
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{predolg|{{{dolg|}}}}}}
| message = It '''may be [[Wikipedia:Article size|too long]] to read and navigate comfortably'''. Some content may need to be [[Wikipedia:Summary style|summarized or split]].
| cat-date = Articles that may be too long
| id = predolg
weasel, začinjeno
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{začinjeno|}}}
| message = It '''contains [[Wikipedia:Avoid weasel words|weasel words]]: vague phrasing that often accompanies [[Wikipedia:Neutral point of view|biased]] or [[Wikipedia:Verifiability|unverifiable]] information'''.
| cat-date = Articles with weasel words
| id = začinjeno
wikify, wikificiraj
-->{{Več problemov/message
| name = {{{wikificiraj|}}}
| template = Wikificiraj
| message = It '''may need to be [[Wikipedia:Glossary#Wikify|wikified]] to meet Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style|quality standards]]'''.
| cat = All articles that need to be wikified
| cat-date = Articles that need to be wikified
| id = wikificiraj