Element HTML: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
Vrstica 443:
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML32|HTML 3.2]].
=== Obrazci (''form'') ===
Obrazec (angl. ''form'')je neke vrste orodje, s katerim obiskovalci spletnih strani lahko pošljejo podatke, komentarje, predloge, itd; v dokumentu je lahko to preprost HTML ali pa HTML povezan s skriptami. S HTML jezikom se opredeli elemente, ki bodo sestavljali obrazec in metodo, ki določa način prenosa podatkov.
{{Main|Form (web)}}
(Ti elementi so lahko blokovni ali vrstični in so zbrani skupaj na tem mestu, ker je njihova uporaba bolj omejena kot to velja za druge vrstične ali blikovne elemente.)
These elements can be combined into a form or in some instances used separately as user-interface controls; in the document, they can be simple HTML or used in conjunction with Scripts. HTML markup specifies the elements that make up a form, and the method by which it will be submitted. However, some form of scripts ([[server-side script|server-side]], client-side, or both) must be used to process the user’s input once it is submitted.
(These elements are either block or inline elements, but are collected here as their use is more restricted than other inline or block elements.)