Element HTML: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 379:
{{Anchor|bdo|bdo_tag}}{{XMLElement|bdo|Bidirectional Override|...|}}
:Uporablja se za spremembo smeri branja besedila (angl. ''bidirectional override''), od leve proti desni (kar je privzeto) in od desne proti levi ali izmenjaje.
:Marks an inline section of text in which the reading direction is the opposite from that of the parent element.
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]].
:Element <code>cite</code> se uporablja za označevanje navedkov ali izjav v navadnem besedilu, na primer: <cite>Drugarice i drugovi, ovo je komunizam!</cite>.
:'''CITE''' je obstajal v ''[[#HTMLDRAFT12|HTML Internet Draft 1.2]]'', '''standardizirano''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]].
:IzbrisnoIzbrisano besedilo. Običajno je prikazano prečrtano: <del>Izbrisno besedilo.</del>
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]].
Vrstica 394:
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]].
::Opomba, oba <code>&lt;ins&gt;</code> in <code>&lt;del&gt;</code> elementa se lahko uporabita tudi kot blokovni element: vsebujeta druge blokovne in vrstične elemente. Kakorkoli, ta dva elementa morata biti zaradi dobro-strukturiranega HTML-ja v celoti znotraj njunega starševskega elementa.
::Note, both <code>&lt;ins&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;del&gt;</code> elements may also be used as block elements: containing other block and inline elements. However, these elements must still remain wholly within their parent element to maintain a well-formed HTML document. For example deleting text from the middle of one paragraph across several other paragraphs and ending in a final paragraph would need to use three separate <code>&lt;del&gt;</code> elements. Two <code>&lt;del&gt;</code> elements would be required as inline element to indicate the deletion of text in the first and last paragraphs, and a third, used as a block element, to indicate the deletion in the intervening paragraphs.
:AnVrstični inline quotationnavedek (forangl. block''quote''); levelza quotationnivo seebloka glej <code>BLOCKQUOTE</code>). Lahko Quote elements may beso nestedgnezdeni.
:<code>&lt;q&gt;</code> ''naj bi'' v povezavi z CSS avtomatsko prikazal izbrano besedilo v narekovajih.
:<code>&lt;q&gt;</code> ''should'' automatically generate quotation marks in conjunction with Stylesheets. Practical concerns due to browser non-compliance may force authors to find work-arounds.
:TheLastnost <code>cite</code> ''attribute''podaja gives the sourcevir, andki mustmora bebiti av fully qualifiedpolnem [[Uniform Resource Identifier|URI]] formatu.
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]]; still current.
::NoteOpomba: LengthyDaljši inlinevrstični quotationsnavedki mayse belahko displayedprikažejo askot indentedzamaknjeni blocksbloki (askot <code>blockquote</code>) usingz stylesheetsuporabo CSS. For exampleNpr., withz a suitableustreznim CSS rulepravilom, ki je associatedpovezan withz <code>q.lengthy</code>:
:::<code>&lt;q class="lengthy"&gt;</code>AnDaljši inlinevrstični quotation of significant lengthnavedek (saynpr. 25 words, for examplebesed) goesgre heretukaj...<code>&lt;/q&gt;</code>
:V dokument vstavi [[skriptni jezik|skript]]. Uporablja se v glavi in v telesu dokumenta.
:Places a [[scripting language|script]] in the document. Also usable in the head and in block contexts.
::NoteOpomba: <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> issam notzase itselfni eitherniti ablokovni blockniti or inlinevrstični element; by itself it should not display at all, but it can contain instructions to dynamically generate either both block or inline content.
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML32|HTML 3.2]]; still current.
{{Anchor|sub|sub_tag}}{{XMLElement|sub|Subscript|...}} in {{XMLElement|sup|Superscript|...}}