Element HTML: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
mBrez povzetka urejanja
Vrstica 195:
{{Anchor|dir|dir_tag}}{{XMLElement|dir|Directory List|...|deprecated=1}}
:Imenik (angl. ''directory'') je podoben elementu <code>ul</code> s katerim se izdela neoštevilčen seznam. Uporablja se za prikaz elementov, ki niso daljši kot 24 znakov..<ref name="Mrhar">{{navedi knjigo|title=Uvod v HTML - programiranje spletnih strani|author=Mrhar Peter|publisher=Flamingo Založba|place=Nova Gorica|year=1999|isbn=961-6176-36-6|cobiss=659326|pp=40}}</ref> Izvorni namen tega elementa ni bil nikoli širše podprt; nezaželjeno v prid <code>&lt;ul&gt;</code>.
:<code>DIR</code> je obstajal v ''[[#HTMLTAGS|HTML Tags]]'', '''standardizirano''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]]; '''nezaželjeno''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0 Transitional]]; '''napačno''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0 Strict]].
Vrstica 220:
{{Anchor|div|div_tag}}{{XMLElement|div|Logical division|...}}
:Določa splošen blokovni element, ki omogoča uporabo slogov (CCSCSS) nad njegovo vsebino.
:Predlagano v [[#HTML30|HTML 3.0 Drafts]]; '''standardizirano''' v [[#HTML32|HTML 3.2]].
:Vodoravna črta (angl. ''horizontal rule''), ki sega od levega do desnega roba pregledovalnika. Črte se lahko rišejo tudi z uporabo slogov (CCSCSS).
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]].
Vrstica 421:
{{Anchor|applet|applet_tag}}{{XMLElement|applet|Java Applet|...|deprecated=xhtml}}
:Embeds a [[Java applet]] in the page. Nezaželjeno Deprecatedv in favour ofkorist <code>&lt;object&gt;</code>, as it could only be used with Java applets, and had accessibility limitations.
:'''Standardizirano''' v [[#HTML32|HTML 3.2]]; '''nezaželjeno''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0 Transitional]]; '''napačno''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0 Strict]]. As of 2011, still widely used as the implementations of the replacing <code>&lt;object&gt;</code> are not consistent between different browsers.
Vrstica 429:
:Uporablja ga uporabniški agent za vrivanje [[slika|slike]] v dokument. Atribut <code>src</code> pove URL kjer se slika nahajaslike. Atribut <code>alt</code> zagotavljaprikaže alternativno besedilo, če brskalnik ne more naložiti slike, ki je povezana s to stranjo.<ref>The alt attribute's text cannot be styled with markup; as a result, other methods of alternative text presentation, such as [[Fahrner Image Replacement]], have been devised to accommodate situations in which the coder wishes styled text to be displayed if images are disabled in a user's browser.</ref> V novejših brskalnikih se pojavi kot kratek opis slike, če z miško nekaj sekund počivamo na njej in če napis ni določen z atributom title. Po standardu je navedba te lastnosti obvezna. '''img''' je predlagal [[Marc Andreessen]] in je bil implementiran v spletni brskalnik [[Mosaic|NSCA Mosaic]].<ref>{{citation|url=http://1997.webhistory.org/www.lists/www-talk.1993q1/0182.html |title=WWW-Talk Jan-Mar 1993: proposed new tag: IMG |publisher=1997.webhistory.org |date= |accessdate=2012-03-26}}</ref>
:'''IMG''' je obstajal v ''[[#HTMLDRAFT12|HTML Internet Draft 1.2]]'', '''standardizirano''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]].
Vrstica 531:
;{{Anchor|table|table_tag}}{{HTML element|name=table|tags=all|content=...}}
:Tabela se sestavi s pomočjo bloka <code>table</code>. V HTML Transitional je možno uporabiti več atributov, toda večina jih je neveljavnih v HTML Strict in se lahko nadomestijo z CCSCSS slogi.
:Proposed in the [[#HTML30|HTML 3.0 Drafts]]; '''standardizirano''' v [[#HTML32|HTML 3.2]].
;{{Anchor|tr|tr_tag}}{{HTML element|name=tr|tags=end|content=...}}
Vrstica 561:
:Predlagano v [[#HTMLTABLES|HTML Tables]]; '''standardizirano''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]].
== Frames ==
{{Redirect|iframe||IFrame (disambiguation)}}
{{Main|Framing (World Wide Web)}}
Frames allow a visual HTML Browser window to be split into segments, each of which can show a different document. This can lower bandwidth use, as repeating parts of a layout can be used in one frame, while variable content is displayed in another. This comes at a significant usability cost, especially in non-visual user agents. Because of this cost, frames (excluding the <code>iframe</code> element) are only allowed in HTML 4.01 Frameset.
In HTML 4.01, a document may contain a <code>head</code> and a <code>body</code> ''or'' a <code>head</code> and a <code>frameset</code>, but not both a <code>body</code> and a <code>frameset</code>. However, '''iframe''' can be used in a normal document body.
;{{Anchor|frameset|frameset_tag}}{{HTML element|name=frameset|tags=all|content=...}}
:Contains the frameset. The frames layout is given by comma separated lists in the <code>rows</code> and <code>cols</code> attributes.
:'''Standardizirano''' in [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]] Frameset, '''zastarelo''' in HTML 5.
;{{Anchor|frame|frame_tag}}{{HTML element|name=frame|tags=void}}
:Delimits a single frame, or region, within the <code>frameset</code>. A separate document linked with the <code>src</code> attribute appears inside.
:'''Standardizirano''' in [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]] Frameset, '''zastarelo''' in HTML 5.
;{{Anchor|noframes|noframes_tag}}{{HTML element|name=noframes|tags=all|content=...}}
:Contains normal HTML content for user agents that don't support frames.
:'''Standardizirano''' in [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]] Transitional, '''zastarelo''' in HTML 5.
;{{Anchor|iframe|iframe_tag}}{{HTML element|name=iframe|tags=all|content=...}}
:An inline frame places another HTML document in a frame. Unlike an <code>object</code> element, an inline frame can be the "target" frame for links defined by other elements and it can be selected by the user agent as the focus for printing, viewing its source, etc.
:The content of the element is used as alternative text to be displayed if the browser does not support iframes.
:First introduced by Microsoft Internet Explorer in 1997, '''standardizirano''' in [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]] Transitional, '''allowed''' in HTML 5.
In [[HTML]], '''longdesc''' is an attribute used within the [[image element]], [[frame element]], or [[Iframe|iframe element]]. It is used to reference a '''long description''' website of the image, frame, or iframe in question.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/objects.html|title=Objects, Images, and Applets|publisher=W3C|accessdate=2008-12-20}}</ref>
Longdesc was designed to be used by [[screen reader]]s to display image information for computer users with [[accessibility]] issues, such as the blind or visually impaired, and is widely implemented by both web browsers and screen readers.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/InstateLongdesc/Implementation|title=InState Longdesc|accessdate=2011-09-05}}</ref> Some developers object that
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.webaim.org/techniques/images/longdesc.php#longdesc|title=Creating Accessible Images|publisher=WebAim|accessdate=2008-12-20}}</ref> it is actually seldom used for this purpose, because there are relatively few authors who use the attribute, and most of those authors use it incorrectly, and have used this argument to recommend dropping longdesc.<ref>{{citation|url=http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Longdesc_usage |title=Longdesc usage - WHATWG Wiki |publisher=Wiki.whatwg.org |date= |accessdate=2012-03-26}}</ref> The publishing industry has responded, advocating the retention of longdesc.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13461|title=Bug 13461 - Commentary on Issue #30 (longdesc) from the Association of American Publishers |accessdate=2011-09-05}}</ref>
==== Example ====
<source lang="html4strict">
<img src="Hello.jpg" longdesc="description.html">
Content of <code>description.html</code>:
<source lang="html4strict">
<p>This is an image of a two-layered birthday cake.</p>
==== Linking to the long description in the text ====
Since very few Graphical browsers support making the link available natively (Opera and iCab being the exceptions), it is useful to include a link to the description page near the <code>img</code> element whenever possible, as this can also aid sighted users.
===== Primer =====
<source lang="html4strict">
<img src="Hello.jpg" longdesc="description.html" /> [<a href=
"description.html" title="long description of the image">D</a>]
== Zgodovinski elementi ==
Sledeči elementi so bili del zgodnejšega HTML razvoja [[Tim Berners-Lee]]ja iz let 1989–91; omenjeni so bili v ''HTML Tags'', toda nezaželjeni v ''HTML 2.0'' in niso bili nikoli del HTML standardov.
;{{Anchor|listing|listing_tag}}{{HTML element|name=listing|tags=all|content=...|obsolete=yes}}
;<del><code class="html htmlelement">&lt;plaintext&gt;</code></del> (zastarelo)
;{{Anchor|xmp|xmp_tag}}{{HTML element|name=xmp|tags=all|content=...|obsolete=yes}}
:Ti elementi so bili uporabljeni za prikaz besedila z znaki enake širine; njihova uporaba je bila nadomeščene z <code>pre</code>.
:'''<code>plaintext</code>''' ''ne more'' imeti končne značke – s tem elementom se prepove oblikovanje pisave vse od mesta ukaza pa do konca dokumenta.
:Ti so obstajali v ''[[#HTMLTAGS|HTML Tags]]''; '''nezaželjeno''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]]; '''napačno''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0]].
;{{Anchor|nextid|nextid_tag}}{{HTML element|name=nextid|tags=all|content=...|obsolete=yes}}
:This element related to the original NeXT http server, and was not used once the web had spread to other systems.
:'''<code>nextid</code>''' je obstajal ''[[#HTMLTAGS|HTML Tags]]'' (opisano kot zastarelo); '''nezaželjeno''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]]; '''napačno''' v [[#HTML32|HTML 3.2]] in kasneje.
== Nestandardizirani elementi ==
This section lists some widely used obsolete elements, which means they are not allowed to be used. They may not be supported in all user agents.
;{{Anchor|blink}}{{HTML element|name=blink|link=Blink element|tags=all|content=...|obsolete=yes}}
:Utripanje označenega besedila. To se lahko doseže z CSS kjer je to podprto: <code>{text-decoration: blink}</code> (Ta efekt ima lahko negativne posledice za ljudi s [[fotosenzitivna epilepsija|fotosenzitivno epilepsijo]];<ref name="WCAG">{{cite web|url=http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/|title=Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0|first1=Wendy|last1=Chisholm|first2=Gregg|last2=Vanderheiden|first3=Ian|last3=Jacobs|publisher=[[World Wide Web Consortium]]|date=5 May 1999|accessdate=20 July 2010}}</ref> uporaba tega elementa v javnem spletu mora slediti ustreznim smernicam.)
;{{Anchor|marquee}}{{HTML element|name=marquee|link=Marquee element|tags=all|content=...}}
:Premikanje besedila po traku prek spletne strani. To se lahko naredi s pomočju skript. (Ta efekt ima lahko negativne posledice za ljudi s [[fotosenzitivna epilepsija|fotosenzitivno epilepsijo]];<ref name="WCAG" /> uporaba tega elementa v javnem spletu mora slediti ustreznim smernicam.) There are three options, including '''Alternate''', '''Scroll''' and '''slide'''. '''Scrolldelay''' can also be added.
;{{Anchor|nobr}}{{HTML element|name=nobr|tags=all|content=...|obsolete=yes}}
:Prepove besedilu zapisanem med <code>&lt;nobr&gt;</code>...<code>&lt;/nobr&gt;</code> samodejen preskok v novo vrstico. To se lahko naredi z CSS: <code>{white-space: nowrap;}</code>
;{{Anchor|noembed}}{{HTML element|name=noembed|tags=all|content=...|obsolete=yes}}
:Specifies alternative content, if the embed cannot be rendered. Replaced by the content of the <code>embed</code> or <code>object</code> element.
== Prej zastareli toda vrnjeni v HTML 5 ==
;{{Anchor|embed}}{{HTML element|name=embed|tags=all|content=...}}
:Vrine v dokument nestandardni objekt (kot je applet) ali zunanjo vsebino (tipično ne-HTML). Nezaželjeno v HTML 4 in favor of the <code>object</code> tag, but then was added back into the HTML 5 specification<ref>[http://webdesign.about.com/od/htmltags/p/bltags_embed.htm Jennifer Kyrnin ]<nowiki><embed></nowiki></ref><ref>[http://www.w3schools.com/html5/tag_embed.asp W3Schools] about <nowiki><embed></nowiki></ref>
{{Anchor|menu|menu_tag}}{{HTML element|name=menu|tags=all|content=...}}
:Seznam menu. Uporablja se za predstavitev elementov seznama, ki niso daljši od ene vrstice.<ref name="Mrhar" />
:<code>MENU</code> je obstajal v ''[[#HTMLTAGS|HTML Tags]]'' in je bil '''standardiziran''' v [[#HTML20|HTML 2.0]]; '''nezaželjen''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0 Transitional]]; '''napačen''' v [[#HTML401|HTML 4.0 Strict]]; toda potem ponovno uveden v [[HTML5|HTML 5]].
== Komentarji ==
;<code>&lt;!-- A Comment --></code>
:A [[Comment (computer programming)|comment]] can appear anywhere in a document, even before the doctype, but not in other tags. (However, placing comments – or indeed any characters except for whitespace – before the doctype will cause Internet Explorer 6 to use [[quirks mode]] for the document.) None of its enclosed contents are processed. For compatibility with some pre-1995 browsers, the contents of <code>style</code> and <code>script</code> elements are still sometimes surrounded by comment delimiters.
:Comments do not nest: the markup <code>&lt;!--Xbegin&lt;!--Y-->Xend--></code> will yield the comment <code>Xbegin&lt;!--Y</code> and the text <code>Xend--></code> after it.