Kreacionizem: Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 1:
'''Kreacionízem''' je prepričanje, da je vse [[življenje]], [[človeštvo]], [[Zemlja|Zemljo]] in, [[vesolje]] oziroma dele le-teh ustvarila višja sila ([[Bog]]). V zahodnem svetu je najbolj razširjen biblični kreacionizem, ki označujenastanek verovesolja vin stvaritev,življenja kakoroziroma je zapisana v [[Geneza|Genezi]] invsaj vključujevpliv večna interpretacijle-te svetihpripisujejo besedilBogu.
== Biblični kreacionizem ==
Biblični kreacionisti zavračajo možnost spontanega nastanka vesolja in verjamejo, da je vsaj nekatere elemente vesolja ustvaril Bog. Mnogo bibličnih kreacionistov zavrača tudi [[evolucija|evolucijo]] - zanikanje se giba od popolnega zanikanja do pripisovanja stvarjenja osnovnih oblik Bogu, odvisno od veje kreacionizma.
Odvisno od prepričanja biblični kreacionisti bodisi popolnoma zavračajo možnost postopnega spreminjanja živih bitij v vedno kompleksnejše oblike, bodisi zagovarjajo, da je Bog ustvaril le osnovne oblike, ki se lahko malenkostno spreminjajo (kar je bolj v skladu z znanstveno potrjenimi dejstvi). Za slednjo tezo je uveljavljen naziv [[Inteligentni načrt]] ([[angleščina|angleško]] ''Intelligent design''). Zavzemajo se za poučevanje le-tega v šolah kot alternativo evoluciji.
== Viri ==
*{{Cite book
| last = Bowler
| first = Peter J.
| year = 2003
| title = Evolution: The History of an Idea
| edition = 3rd
| publisher = University of California Press
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-520-23693-9 }}
*{{Cite book
| last = Darwin
| first = Charles
| year = 1958
| editor-last = Barlow
| editor-first = Nora
| title = The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809–1882. With the Original Omissions Restored. Edited and with Appendix and Notes by his Granddaughter Nora Barlow
| publication-place = London
| publisher = Collins
| url =
| language = angleščini
| accessdate = 2009-01-09 }}
*{{Cite book
| last = Desmond
| first = Adrian
| title = The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London
| place = Chicago
| publisher = University of Chicago Press
| year = 1989
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-226-14374-0 }}
*{{Cite book
| last = Desmond
| first = Adrian
| last2 = Moore
| first2 = James
| year = 1991
| title = Darwin
| place = London
| publisher = Michael Joseph, Penguin Group
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-7181-3430-3 }}
*{{Cite book
| last = Dewey
| first = John
| editor = Martin Gardner
| year = 1994
| title = Great Essays in Science
| chapter = The Influence of Darwinism on Philosophy
| publisher = Prometheus Books
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-87975-853-8 }}
*{{Cite book
| last = Forster
| first = Roger
| last2 = Marston
| first2 = Dr Paul
| year = 1999
| contribution =Genesis Through History
| title = Reason Science and Faith
| edition = Ivy Cottage: E-Books
| publication-place =Chester, England
| publisher = Monarch Books
| pages =
| isbn = 1-85424-441-8
| url =
| language = angleščini
| accessdate = 2009-03-24}}
*{{Cite book
| last = Hayward
| first = James L.
| year = 1998
| title = The Creation/Evolution Controversy: an annotated bibliography
| publisher = Scarecrow Press/Salem Press
| page = 253
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-8108-3386-7
*{{Cite book
| last = Moore
| first = James
| year = 2006
| title = Evolution and Wonder - Understanding Charles Darwin
| series = Speaking of Faith (Radio Program)
| publisher = American Public Media
| url =
| language = angleščini
| accessdate = 2008-11-22 }}
*{{Cite book
| last = Quammen
| first = David
| authorlink = David Quammen
| year = 2006
| title = The Reluctant Mr. Darwin
| publisher = Atlas Books
| place = New York
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-393-05981-2}}
*{{Cite book
| last = Secord
| first = James A.
| language = angleščini
| title = Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
| place = Chicago
| publisher = University of Chicago Press
| year = 2000
| language = angleščini
| isbn = 0-226-74411-6 }}