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Vrstica 2:
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W<small>IKIPEDIA</small> M<small>AKES</small>NE N<small>O</small>JAMČI G<small>UARANTEE</small>ZA O<small>F</small> V<small>ALIDITYPRAVILNOSTM</small>
'''Wikipedia''' je spletna odprto-vsebinska (ang. open-content) enciklopedija, torej prostovoljna povezava posameznikov in skupin, ki razvijajo skupen vir človeškega znanja. Njena struktura omogoča vsakomur z internetno povezavo in spletnim brskalnikom spreminjanje njene vsebine. Zato bodite pozorni, da ni nobenega jamstva, da je katerakoli od vsebin enciklopedije strokovno pregledana in potrjena s strani strovnjakov z ustreznim znanjem na posameznem področju, kar bi omoočalo celovito, ažurno in zanesljivo informacijo o kateremkoli zapisu v enciklopediji ''Wikipedia''.
'''Wikipedia''' is an online open-content encyclopedia, that is, a voluntary association of individuals and groups who are developing a common resource of human knowledge. Its structure allows any individual with an Internet connection and World Wide Web browser to alter the content found here. Therefore, please be advised that nothing found here has necessarily been reviewed by professionals who are knowledgeable in the particular areas of expertise necessary to provide you with complete, accurate or reliable information about any subject in ''Wikipedia''.
To ne pomeni, da v enciklopediji ''Wikipedia'' ne boste našli ažurnih in uporabnih informacij, vendar pa vas opozarjamo, da ''Wikipedia'' NE JAMČI na kakršenkoli način za pravilnost vsebine v enciklopediji. Mogoče je, da je bil katerikoli del vsebine pred kratkim spremenjen oziroma dopolnjen, podvržen vandalizmu ali ga je spremenil nekdo, katerega mnenje ne ustreza trenutnemu stanju strokovnega znanja na področju, glede katerega potrebujete informacijo. Trudimo izboljšati načine izbire in odobritve zanelsjivejših različic prispevkov, vendar vseeno nikakor ne moremo jamčiti za njihovo pravilnost. Najboljši trenutni približek temu cilju je postopek [[Wikipedia:Featured articles]], vendar so bili tudi tam navedeni prispevki lahko neusmuljeno popravljeni malo pred tem, ko jih boste prebrali.
That's not to say that you won't find much valuable and accurate information at ''Wikipedia'', however please be advised that '''''Wikipedia'' CANNOT guarantee, in any way whatsoever, the validity of the information found here.''' It may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone whose opinion does not correspond with the state of knowledge in the particular area you are interested in learning about. We are working on ways to select and approve more trustable versions of articles, but still without warranty. The closest thing to this that currently exists is the [[Wikipedia:Featured articles]] process, but even the articles listed there may have been mercilessly edited shortly before you view them.
::'''Nihče od avtorjev in drugih oseb, ki prispevajo vsebine, sponzorjev, skrbnikov, sistemskih upraviteljev ali drugih oseb, povezanih z enciklopedijo ''Wikipedia'' ne odgovarja ali kako drugače jamči za objavo katerekoli nepravilne ali nezakonite vsebine ali za posledice vaše uporabe vsebine na teh spletnih straneh ali z njimi povezanih spletnih straneh.'''
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Vrstica 23:
'''No consequential damages can be sought against ''Wikipedia''''', as it is a voluntary association of individuals developed freely to create various open source online educational, cultural and informational resources. '''This information is being given to you gratuitously''' and there is '''no agreement or understanding between you and ''Wikipedia''''' regarding your use or modification of this information beyond the [[GNU Free Documentation License]] neither is anyone at ''Wikipedia'' responsible should someone change, edit, modify or remove any information that you may post on ''Wikipedia'' or any of its associated projects.
ThankHvala youza forčas, spendingki theste timesi toga readvzeli, thisda page,ste prebrali pojasnila na tej andstrani. pleaseVeliko enjoyužitkov yourpri experienceuporabi atenciklopedije ''Wikipedia''.
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