Univerza v Torontu: Razlika med redakcijama

Izbrisana vsebina Dodana vsebina
T@Di (pogovor | prispevki)
T@Di (pogovor | prispevki)
m pp
Vrstica 19:
|undergrad = <!-- Please read the note above before modifying -->33,371<ref name=factsandfigures>{{Cite book |last1=Pask-Aubé |first1=Corinne |title=University of Toronto Facts and Figures |publisher=Office of Government, Institutional and Community Relations |year=2009 |url=http://www.utoronto.ca/__shared/assets/FB2008_all2859.pdf}}</ref>
|postgrad = <!-- Please read the note above before modifying -->11,638<ref name=factsandfigures />
|colourscolors = {{color box|#00204e}} modra<br />{{color box|#ffffff}} bela
|website = [http://www.utoronto.ca utoronto.ca]<!-- Please Do Not Change This Website to http://www.toronto.edu as the University of Toronto no longer uses it as their web address and redirects it to http://www.utoronto.ca . As well, the University of Toronto UTORid system, the main university online identification system, no longer issues @toronto.edu e-mail addresses as they now issue @utoronto.ca e-mail addresses instead. -->