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DixonD (pogovor | prispevki)
Vrstica 511:
There is a small problem; your username cannot be recognized; there is a commentary: ''Uporabnik z imenom »DixonDBot« ne obstaja. Preverite črkovanje.'' - which means, that '''"user DixonDBot doesn't exist. Check spelling."''' - since there is no wrong letter in copied/entered username, momentarily I can't help you. I will ask others beaureaucrats/or you can check with them yourself. till then, [[Uporabnik:Ziga|Ziga]] 08:54, 25. avgust 2009 (CEST)
: It's must be some mistake. Username [[Uporabnik:DixonDBot]] recognized normally. Page was created 01:07, 17. avgust 2009. I don't understand what's problem? --[[Uporabnik:DixonD|DixonD]] 10:10, 25. avgust 2009 (CEST)